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Komodo Island
KOMODO is the name of a prehistoric island, its village, primitive tribe, and the name of its dragon, the giant lizard. The original tribe, used to a hard life among the wild dragons, are believed to be very strong. The last man died recently, estimated to be over 105 years old. The new generations have large ears, inherited from the original KOMODO tribe. For those people exploring East Nusa Tenggara, the island of Komodo and its carnivorous residents is a definite ‘must visit’ place.
Komodo Island also boasts a beautiful panorama of two brownish hills, Poreng and Sabieta, with expanses of grassland and rows of palmyra trees. Wild buffaloes frequently graze there, and tourists who are lucky can see blackish adult komodos searching for their prey.
Resume: Pulau Komodo terletak di Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), dan komodo hanya terdapat disana. Komodo adalah hewan karnivora yang bias hidup selama 105 tahun, dan pulau komodo yang dicalonkan menjadi keajaiban dunia ini sangatlah indah.
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Barito River
Barito is a 890 km long river and about 1 km wide,it is one of rivers that located in South of Kalimantan ( between Banjarmasin and Kalimantan).
There are pasar terapung or floating market in the Barito river that can be used as tourism place. The floating market is a busy and colorfull collection of small boats and canoo's. The bigger ships bring in fruit and vegetables, which are sold at low prices. The people on the small ships are usually women in colorfull cloth.
They buy their goods from the big boats and transport it to the customers at the shore.
Resume: Sungai Barito memiliki panjang 890 km dan luas 1 km, sungai yang berada diantara Banjarmasin dan Kalimantan ini dijadikan sebagai pasar tarapung.
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Kiskendo Cave
This cave, which was named Guo Kiskendo by the local people, was found firstly by a hermit named Ki Gondorio in 1700‘s. The hermit was also the first cave keeper. According to the local story, one night the hermit had a dream of entering a cave that looked like a palace. In the dream, Ki Gondorio got a guidance to name the 15 rooms in the cave. After he woke up, Ki Gondorio followed the guidance that he saw from the dream.
Kiskendo cave is located at the area of Menoreh mountain which is part of the administrative territory of Dusun Sukamaya, Jatimulyo Village, Girimulyo Sub-district, Kulon Progo District, D.I Yogyakarta Province. This cave is at the south western part Wates, the capital city of Kulon Progo District, and is about 800 meters height above the sea level.
Resume: Gua yang berolakasi di area gunung manoreh Dusun Sukamaya, Desa Jatimulyo,Yogyakarta ini mempunyai ketinggian mencapai 800 m diatas laut. Gua ini ditemukan oleh Ki Gondrio (1700), Ki Gondrio sekaligus menjadi kuncen gunung ini.
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Puncak Jayawijaya (Carstensz Pyramide)
Jayawijaya mountain is known as one of the seven highest peaks of the world (seven summit). Thus, the peak of the climb at 4884 meters dpl is the goal of pure climber, let alone to climb Puncak Jaya is the conquest of the mountain, the enclosed snow. Various obstacles that are in the ascent, as the sheer natural condition, temperature is very cold, blustery wind and rain, and lack of oxygen in the altitude is a challenge that must be passed by the climber.
Given the weight of climbing terrain, a complex licensing process, and guarantee security during ascent, climber should utilize the services of experienced travel agents. Various travel agent who has an international reputation has provided two options climbing routes, the classic route through the Village Ilaga, or both channels with a more comfortable ride to the helicopter base camp Hill Lake (Lake Valley).
Resume: Gunung Jayawijaya adalah salah satu dari 7 gunung yang tertinggi didunia, gunung ini masih sangat alami dan udara disana sangat dingin.
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Tempe Lake
Tempe Lake is a tourism destination in South Sulawesi province that are frequently visited by tourists either domestic or foreign. The lake, which is 13,000 hectare in width, seems like a giant washbasin when it is viewed from above. Subsistence for people living around, it is not only used by the inhabitants of Wajo district, but also other people in the districts of Soppeng and Sidrap. Along the Lakeside, you can observe the fishermen `s floating houses which were built in Bugis Nuance, standing in a row to directly face the lake.
Tempe Lake is the biggest Fishery Wetland area in the world. It is assumed that the lake is located on the meeting point of two continents. Therefore, Wetland many fish species can be found there than other places in Indonesia.
Tempe Lake lies 7 km away from Sengkang city, the capital of Wajo district. To reach the destination, you may take any public transportation such as Pete-pete (Minibus) from Sengkang to the city continued to Walennae River from the Lake Tempe Walennae River in 30 minutes by using Katinting (motor boat).
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Lake Toba
Lake Toba is the most famous lake in Indonesia. It is 100 km long and 30 km wide thus many people agree that Lake Toba is the biggest lake in the world. An island in the middle of the lake is Samosir Island at an altitude of 1.000 meters. Lake Toba has a very enchanted scenery for being surrounded by green hills. It offers beautifully magnificent view, fresh air, and tranquillity. You may either swim on the lake or rent a boat to hang around the lake. When the sun is going to set, you will experience a tranquil atmosphere while enjoying the sunset.
Lake Toba has cosmologic and magical values since surrounding people believe the existence of Namborru – seven fairies regarded as the ancestors of Batak tribe. There is an annual event namely Pesta Rakyat Danau Toba to express admiration for the local inhabitants‘ ancestors. In Samosir Island, there are two other lakes namely Lake Sidihoni and Lake Aek Natonang. Likewise, there are some other tourism destinations such as Raja Sidabutar‘s Graveyard and traditional houses of Batak Toba Samosir tribe.
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Penyengat Island
During the golden era of Riau-Lingga Sultanate, Penyengat Island held significant roles in governmental and educational sectors. The island was likewise the heart of Islamic teaching and Malay cultural civilization in the past. For that reason, the provincial government of Riau Islands fixed the island as the highly recommended historical tourism destination. The remaining traces of Riau-Lingga Sultanate can still be found in the island, even though some of them are in critically physical condition.
Once upon a time, there were some fishermen and pirates anchored off the coast of the island. They came to the island for pure water that was hard to find in other places except in Penyengat Island. Feeling of being disturbed by those people, a group of bee flied over them to take revenge on. Those people got stung by the bee, so the island was named “Penyengat” that literally means “stinger.”
Penyengat Island is part of Riau Islands Province that includes administratively into Tanjungpinang Sub-district. To reach Penyengat Island, you can take water transportation called pompong from Sri Bintan Pura Port in Tanjungpinang City.
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Sepeda Ontel
The name of traditional bike of Indonesia people since a long time ago is "Sepeda Ontel". Hiring bicycles is does not cause pollution, cheap and easy with many places offering them for daily and weekly rental.Even its not on market anymore and very rare to find some of Indonesian people still had this bike.
Such as in Jakarta, Surabaya, Solo and Yogyakarta.Bicycle rental can be found easily in the major tourists areas of Yogya such as Sosrowijayan, Pasar Kembang and Prawirotaman.
Resume: Sepeda ontel adalah sepeda tradisional di Indonesia. Selain tidak menyebabkan polusi, murah dan bisa digunakan disemua tempat, sepeda ini juga dijadikan objek rental oleh turis-turis.
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Ganjuran Church
We can call the complex of the church as an acculturative area since there are many things symbolize the blending of culture and religion. It gives the church a plus quality to be listed as a place to visit. In the complex, you will find the harmony of European architecture blended with the style of Hindu, Buddha, and Java.
Ganjuran Church is located in Kaligondang Sumbermulyo village Bambanglipuro Bantul Yogyakarta. The church is located on 20 kilometers to the south of the heart of the city of Yogyakarta. It is very accessible since you can reach the location by public or private transportation.
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Lampung & Krakatau volcanic Island
Ancient Chinese travel chronicles refer to a place in the most southerly part of Sumatra called “Lampung” or “place of southerly winds”. The province is gene-rally flat with the highest mountains of Gunung Pesagi, Tanggamas, Seminiung, Sekincau and Raya all being dormant volcanoes. Bandar Lampung, the Provincial capital, was formerly two separate towns, Tanjungkarang and the port of Teluk Betung, which after the infamous eruption of Krakatau were both completely covered in volcanic ash. In the course of development, however this town have merged together to become one single city.
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The Museum of Jakarta`s History
It was historically the building owned by VOC. This building was the first City Hall (Staadhuis) in Batavia; it was built by the Dutch in 1627 A.D. It was later renovated in 1970 when Indonesia became independent from the Dutch, and was established as the Museum of Jakarta‘s History in 1974.
Furthermore, the Museum also provides other historical things such as the coins used during the VOC period, various kinds of scales, the Jagur gun which is believed to have magical power, and the flag from the Fatahillah era. Visitors also have the chance to see the paintings of Raden Saleh, ancient maps, and a photograph of a VOC governor, J. P. Cohen.
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6The Manggar Segarasari Beach1
The Manggar Segarasari Beach is a worth visiting tourism destination in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan province, Indonesia. Clear water and white grain sand offer you a panoramic view for a tranquil holiday. The entire extent of the destination is around 13 km squares.
The Manggar Segarasari Beach lies amid the villageof Manggarand the villageof Teritip, East Balikpapan sub-district, Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan province. To reach the destination, you may use either motorcycle or car. The access is about 22 km from Balikpapan, and 9 km eastwards from Sepinggan Airport.
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Pangandaran Beach
Pangandaran beach is located Ciamis district in the state of West Java. In Pangandaran beach visitors will like fine white beaches, blue ocean and fine seafood. Twelve kilometers before arriving at Pangandaran visitors will see a huge rock on the beach, which is called Karang Nini. Another place there is a wildlife reserve in the vicinity where wild birds and other indigenous animals live about freely to be enjoyed by visitors.
In west of Pangandaran, driving 23 km on the way to Parigi, lays Batu Hiu, meaning Shark's Rock, a coastal rock that has the shark shape.
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Tangkuban Perahu Mountain
The Tangkuban Perahu Mountain is an active volcano. It was one of the mountains that was located in the West Javanese province, around 20 km in north the Bandung city.
The biggest crater that was in the peak of this mountain was named Queen's Crater.The nature panorama around this crater was very astonishing so as to attract the interest of the tourist in enjoying and we can hike or ride to the edge of the crater to view the hot water springs upclose, and buy eggs cooked on its hot surface. So the Tangkuban Perahu Mountain become the aim of the tour of many people.
Resume: Gunung Tangkuban Perahu adalah salah satu gunung berapi yangmasih aktif yang ada di Indonesia. Dongeng mengatakan bahwa gunung ini terbuat dari sebuah perahu.
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Cangkuang Temple
Cangkuang Temple was discovered firstly by Prof. Harsoyo and Drs. Uka Tjandrasasmita on December 19th , 1966. Both of them included into the researcher team of Leles history. It was discovered after receiving a report stated by Vordeman on the Notulen Bataviaasch Genootschap – published in 1893 A.D. – saying the existence of an ancient graveyard and the remain traces of Siwa Statue in Leles. Some other pre-historic age legacies were discovered on the next research. They were kendan stones (oxidant stone), pieces of earthenwares from the neolithic age and big stones from the megalithic age.
Having a look at the shape of the temple, some archaeologists assumed that the temple was erected in the eighth century. However, from the simple ornaments used, the making technique, and a chinese record, there is a prediction that the temple was built in the seventh century, on the same era as the building of Javanese temples.
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Wakatobi Dive Resort
Wakatobi dive resort is located in southeast Sulawesi on the shore of Kendari bay.Wakatobi island is a great place to go diving. The perfect spot for a relaxed holiday.
Wakatobi island is a beautiful tropical island in the remote and peaceful. Wakatobi Dive Resort offers what many consider to be the best reef diving in the world and its also introduced a new level of "Privilege Services" . .
Tourists who dive all over the world say the reefs at Wakatobi are among the world's most beautiful, diverse and pristine.
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Batu Gong Beach
Batu Gong Beach and Toli-Toli Hill
Batu Gong Beach and Toli-Toli Hill is located in south east Sulawesi. It is a beautiful beach and 20 km from Kendari to the north. It is a new recreational resort along a 3 km white-sand beach. At the edge of the beach are huge stones, which when hit sound like a gong, hence the name of this area. Gorgeous views the sea can be enjoyed from the top of nearby Toli-Toli hill resort.
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Marine Enchantment in Banda Sea
More than 350 marine species are available within the waters area. Thousand species of fish are available as well that is one of the attractions of the location. That is why, most people coming to the location bring mission, mostly, to fish. There are still numerous mysteries that are kept uncovered so far. Therefore, this location is the right place for you who are undertaking research about marine life in Indonesian Archipelago.
Banda Sea directly borders to some islands which are, Buru Island, Ambon Island, Ceram, Alu Island, Tanimbar Island, Barat Data Island, and Timor Island. Administratively, Banda Sea is included into the territorial area of Central Maluku District, Central Maluku Province.
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Moluccan King Parrot
The Amboina or Amboyna King (Alisterus amboinensis) is also known as Moluccan King Parrot, Ambon King Parrot or Amboina Green-Winged King Parrot. It is a parrot that is endemic to Peleng Island, Maluku. Found primarily in humid forests.
It has a red head and chest, outer wings dull green mantle, lesser wing coverts and tail-coverts dark purple-blue. The top of the tail is usually black with vivid blue highlights. Their underside is dark gray or black with pink markings on the margins and their feet are gray.Predation and loss of habitat have lowered the population of the Amboina King Parrot drastically, and they are now "near-threatened" in conservation status.
4Togian island
Togian islands is located in the Gorontalo, dives specificity is certainly the beauty and the diversity of the underwater sceneries their offer.
It is the only place in the world where barrier reefs, atolls, and fringing reefs are found together. Most of the islands is still covered by dense tropical forest, human settlements and tourism are still very limited.
The reefs and coastal areas provide habitat and breeding areas for hawksbill turtle, the green turtle and the dugong. Togian forests and skies are filled with exotic creatures such as the Togian Macaque, the babirusa, the Sulawesi Hornbill, and hanging parrots.