Monday, May 31, 2010
Mahasiswa Tuding Kejati Tak Bernyali
Faktanya, penyidik Kejati lamban dalam menuntaskan sejumlah kasus dugaan korupsi di Bengkulu. Diantaranya kasus dispendagate yang telah menyeret Gubenur Bengkulu Agusrin M Najamudin sebagai tersangka. Juga kasus dugaan korupsi pembangunan 3 Kantor Camat dan 13 Kantor Lurah Kota Bengkulu yang menyeret mantan Walikota Bengkulu H Chalik Effendi, SE, MM selaku tersangka.
Aksi yang melibatkan Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) se-Provinsi Bengkulu ini mendesak pihak Kejati menegakkan supremasi hukum di “bumi Rafflesia”. Bentuk nyatanya dengan menuntaskan pengusutan kedua kasus tersebut. Diantaranya segera mengirim berkas Agusrin ke PN Jakarta Selatan untuk segera disidang. Termasuk mendesak penyidik menahan Chalik yang saat ini mencalonkan diri di Pilkada OKU Selatan Sumsel.
Sekitar 40 massa yang mewakili BEM Unib, BEM STAIN, BEM UMB, KAMDA (KAMMI Daerah) dan IMM (Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadyah) tiba di depan Kantor Kejati di Jalan S Parman pukul 10.30 WIB dan mulai berorasi. Sebelumnya, massa long march di depan Mesjid Jamik dan mulai berorasi menuju Bundaran Tugu Simpang Lima. Namun aksi sempat dihalau Polisi saat long march.
Pemicunya lantaran masalah izin. Polisi sempat mengingatkan aksi tidak dapat dilanjutkan lantaran izin yang dikirim perwakilan mahasiswa menyalahi aturan. Dimana izin baru diberikan ke pihak Polres Bengkulu Kamis (20/5) malam. Sedangkan dalam aturan, minimal 3 hari sebelum aksi digelar surat izin sudah dilayangkan.
Namun mahasiswa bersikeras aksi tidak dapat dibatalkan. Setelah difasilitasi Wakapolres Bengkulu Kompol Kurniawan Affandi, S.Ik dan Kabag Ops Kompol A Desri Sandi, S.Ik akhirnya massa diizinkan melanjutkan rencana aksinya. Tentunya setelah Koordinator Lapangan (Korlap) Mu’amar dari BEM Unib menjamin aksi akan berjalan tertib alias tidak anarkhis.
Di bawah arahan Korlap, massa disambut puluhan personel polisi berpakaian lengkap dan pakaian preman yang sudah siaga melakukan penjagaan. Aksi berlangsung tertib tanpa ada tindakan anarkhis. Setelah berorasi sekitar 15 menit di depan gerbang Kejati, massa meminta Kajati Bengkulu Fietra Sany, SH, MH keluar.
Namun permintaan mahasiswa tak dipenuhi, sama seperti biasanya, pihak Kejati mewakilkan Kasi Penkum dan Humas Santosa, SH dan Kasi Sospol Ahmad Mazoola, SH menemui mahasiswa. Namun massa tidak puas hingga akhirnya pihak Kejati mengizinkan 8 orang perwakilan massa masuk ruang lobi Kejati guna menyampaikan aspirasinya dengan kepala dingin.
Pertemuan Berlangsung Panas
Mahasiswa yang diwakili Anton (BEM STAIN), Organdi (BEM UMB), Sony Taurus (BEM UMB), Melyansori (KAMDA), Simbuldin Amin (KAMDA), Harlianto (Wapresma Unib), Pebtison (BEM Unib) dan Ariyanto (BEM UMB) meminta Kajati menemui mereka. Namun tidak dipenuhi. Santosa berdalih ia sudah mendapat mandat dari Kajati untuk menyambut kedatangan mahasiswa.
Dalam kesempatan itu, Melyansori yang menjadi juru bicara massa menyampaikan tuntutannya mendesak agar penyidik Kejati segera menjemput paksa Chalik, tidak tebang pilih dalam menegakkan supremasi hukum. Juga menuntaskan kasus Dispendagate yang menyeret Gubernur.
Namun tuntutan mahasiswa ini lagi-lagi dijawab Santosa akan dikoordinasikan dulu dengan pimpinan (Kajati, red) sehingga membuat suasana semakin panas. Merasa tuntutan tak terpenuhi, akhirnya mahasiswa meninggalkan ruangan sembari mengutarakan aparat Kejati tidak punya nyali menindak pemimpin yang bobrok dan tidak berpihak kepada mayarakat. Bahkan massa sempat meminta untuk menurunkan bendera di Kantor Kejati menjadi setengah tiang saja pertanda kekecewaan mahasiswa pada Kejati. Namun pihak Kejati tidak mengizinkan.
Suasana kembali memanas. Namun kembali mereda setelah polisi yang melakukan pengamanan memberikan pengertian dan siap melakukan tindakan tegas jika mahasiswa tetap memaksakan kehendaknya. Sebab penurunan bendera itu sama saja maknanya dengan menghina negara. Tak lama perwakilan kembali ke barisan massa dan akhirnya membubarkan diri.
“Perjuangan kita mahasiswa tidak pernah dihargai. Aparat tidak punya nyali menindak pemimpin yang lebih mementingkan pribadi daripada rakyatnya,” kata Melyansori kepada RB, usai demo.
Dimintai tanggapan atas aksi demo ini, Kajati Bengkulu Fietra Sany, SH,MH yang keluar ruangan bermaksud pulang sempat menolak. Setelah didesak, Fietra mengatakan aksi mahasiswa biasa-biasa saja. Hak mahasiswa untuk berorasi dan menyatakan pendapat. Namun apa yang disampaikan mahasiswa dipandangnya sebagai suatu pandangan yang keliru.
“Lihat saja buktinya, banyak kasus korupsi yang berhasil kami tuntaskan. Bahkan menyeret tersangkanya ke meja hukum,” kata pria berkumis tebal ini sembari menghembuskan asap rokoknya menuju mobil meninggalkan kalangan wartawan. (sca)
Short story
Hearts and Crosses
by O. Henry
Baldy Woods reached for the bottle, and got it. Whenever Baldy went for anything he usually--but this is not Baldy's story. He poured out a third drink that was larger by a finger than the first and second. Baldy was in consultation; and the consultee is worthy of his hire.
"I'd be king if I was you," said Baldy, so positively that his holster creaked and his spurs rattled.
Webb Yeager pushed back his flat-brimmed Stetson, and made further disorder in his straw-coloured hair. The tonsorial recourse being without avail, he followed the liquid example of the more resourceful Baldy.
"If a man marries a queen, it oughtn't to make him a two-spot," declared Webb, epitomising his grievances.
"Sure not," said Baldy, sympathetic, still thirsty, and genuinely solicitous concerning the relative value of the cards. "By rights you're a king. If I was you, I'd call for a new deal. The cards have been stacked on you--I'll tell you what you are, Webb Yeager."
"What?" asked Webb, with a hopeful look in his pale-blue eyes.
"You're a prince-consort."
"Go easy," said Webb. "I never blackguarded you none."
"It's a title," explained Baldy, "up among the picture-cards; but it don't take no tricks. I'll tell you, Webb. It's a brand they're got for certain animals in Europe. Say that you or me or one of them Dutch dukes marries in a royal family. Well, by and by our wife gets to be queen. Are we king? Not in a million years. At the coronation ceremonies we march between little casino and the Ninth Grand Custodian of the Royal Hall Bedchamber. The only use we are is to appear in photographs, and accept the responsibility for the heir- apparent. That ain't any square deal. Yes, sir, Webb, you're a prince- consort; and if I was you, I'd start a interregnum or a habeus corpus or somethin'; and I'd be king if I had to turn from the bottom of the deck."
Baldy emptied his glass to the ratification of his Warwick pose.
"Baldy," said Webb, solemnly, "me and you punched cows in the same outfit for years. We been runnin' on the same range, and ridin' the same trails since we was boys. I wouldn't talk about my family affairs to nobody but you. You was line-rider on the Nopalito Ranch when I married Santa McAllister. I was foreman then; but what am I now? I don't amount to a knot in a stake rope."
"When old McAllister was the cattle king of West Texas," continued Baldy with Satanic sweetness, "you was some tallow. You had as much to say on the ranch as he did."
"I did," admitted Webb, "up to the time he found out I was tryin' to get my rope over Santa's head. Then he kept me out on the range as far from the ranch-house as he could. When the old man died they commenced to call Santa the 'cattle queen.' I'm boss of the cattle--that's all. She 'tends to all the business; she handles all the money; I can't sell even a beef-steer to a party of campers, myself. Santa's the 'queen'; and I'm Mr. Nobody."
"I'd be king if I was you," repeated Baldy Woods, the royalist. "When a man marries a queen he ought to grade up with her--on the hoof-- dressed--dried--corned--any old way from the chaparral to the packing- house. Lots of folks thinks it's funny, Webb, that you don't have the say-so on the Nopalito. I ain't reflectin' none on Miz Yeager--she's the finest little lady between the Rio Grande and next Christmas--but a man ought to be boss of his own camp."
The smooth, brown face of Yeager lengthened to a mask of wounded melancholy. With that expression, and his rumpled yellow hair and guileless blue eyes, he might have been likened to a schoolboy whose leadership had been usurped by a youngster of superior strength. But his active and sinewy seventy-two inches, and his girded revolvers forbade the comparison.
"What was that you called me, Baldy?" he asked. "What kind of a concert was it?"
"A 'consort,'" corrected Baldy--"a 'prince-consort.' It's a kind of short-card pseudonym. You come in sort of between Jack-high and a four-card flush."
Webb Yeager sighed, and gathered the strap of his Winchester scabbard from the floor.
"I'm ridin' back to the ranch to-day," he said half-heartedly. "I've got to start a bunch of beeves for San Antone in the morning."
"I'm your company as far as Dry Lake," announced Baldy. "I've got a round-up camp on the San Marcos cuttin' out two-year-olds."
The two companeros mounted their ponies and trotted away from the little railroad settlement, where they had foregathered in the thirsty morning.
At Dry Lake, where their routes diverged, they reined up for a parting cigarette. For miles they had ridden in silence save for the soft drum of the ponies' hoofs on the matted mesquite grass, and the rattle of the chaparral against their wooden stirrups. But in Texas discourse is seldom continuous. You may fill in a mile, a meal, and a murder between your paragraphs without detriment to your thesis. So, without apology, Webb offered an addendum to the conversation that had begun ten miles away.
"You remember, yourself, Baldy, that there was a time when Santa wasn't quite so independent. You remember the days when old McAllister was keepin' us apart, and how she used to send me the sign that she wanted to see me? Old man Mac promised to make me look like a colander if I ever come in gun-shot of the ranch. You remember the sign she used to send, Baldy--the heart with a cross inside of it?"
"Me?" cried Baldy, with intoxicated archness. "You old sugar-stealing coyote! Don't I remember! Why, you dad-blamed old long-horned turtle- dove, the boys in camp was all cognoscious about them hiroglyphs. The 'gizzard-and-crossbones' we used to call it. We used to see 'em on truck that was sent out from the ranch. They was marked in charcoal on the sacks of flour and in lead-pencil on the newspapers. I see one of 'em once chalked on the back of a new cook that old man McAllister sent out from the ranch--danged if I didn't."
"Santa's father," explained Webb gently, "got her to promise that she wouldn't write to me or send me any word. That heart-and-cross sign was her scheme. Whenever she wanted to see me in particular she managed to put that mark on somethin' at the ranch that she knew I'd see. And I never laid eyes on it but what I burnt the wind for the ranch the same night. I used to see her in that coma mott back of the little horse-corral."
"We knowed it," chanted Baldy; "but we never let on. We was all for you. We knowed why you always kept that fast paint in camp. And when we see that gizzard-and-crossbones figured out on the truck from the ranch we knowed old Pinto was goin' to eat up miles that night instead of grass. You remember Scurry--that educated horse-wrangler we had-- the college fellow that tangle-foot drove to the range? Whenever Scurry saw that come-meet-your-honey brand on anything from the ranch, he'd wave his hand like that, and say, 'Our friend Lee Andrews will again swim the Hell's point to-night.'"
"The last time Santa sent me the sign," said Webb, "was once when she was sick. I noticed it as soon as I hit camp, and I galloped Pinto forty mile that night. She wasn't at the coma mott. I went to the house; and old McAllister met me at the door. 'Did you come here to get killed?' says he; 'I'll disoblige you for once. I just started a Mexican to bring you. Santa wants you. Go in that room and see her. And then come out here and see me.'
"Santa was lyin' in bed pretty sick. But she gives out a kind of a smile, and her hand and mine lock horns, and I sets down by the bed-- mud and spurs and chaps and all. 'I've heard you ridin' across the grass for hours, Webb,' she says. 'I was sure you'd come. You saw the sign?' she whispers. 'The minute I hit camp,' says I. ''Twas marked on the bag of potatoes and onions.' 'They're always together,' says she, soft like--'always together in life.' 'They go well together,' I says, 'in a stew.' 'I mean hearts and crosses,' says Santa. 'Our sign--to love and to suffer--that's what they mean.'
"And there was old Doc Musgrove amusin' himself with whisky and a palm-leaf fan. And by and by Santa goes to sleep; and Doc feels her forehead; and he says to me: 'You're not such a bad febrifuge. But you'd better slide out now; for the diagnosis don't call for you in regular doses. The little lady'll be all right when she wakes up.'
"I seen old McAllister outside. 'She's asleep,' says I. 'And now you can start in with your colander-work. Take your time; for I left my gun on my saddle-horn.'
"Old Mac laughs, and he says to me: 'Pumpin' lead into the best ranch- boss in West Texas don't seem to me good business policy. I don't know where I could get as good a one. It's the son-in-law idea, Webb, that makes me admire for to use you as a target. You ain't my idea for a member of the family. But I can use you on the Nopalito if you'll keep outside of a radius with the ranch-house in the middle of it. You go upstairs and lay down on a cot, and when you get some sleep we'll talk it over.'"
Baldy Woods pulled down his hat, and uncurled his leg from his saddle- horn. Webb shortened his rein, and his pony danced, anxious to be off. The two men shook hands with Western ceremony.
"Adios, Baldy," said Webb, "I'm glad I seen you and had this talk."
With a pounding rush that sounded like the rise of a covey of quail, the riders sped away toward different points of the compass. A hundred yards on his route Baldy reined in on the top of a bare knoll, and emitted a yell. He swayed on his horse; had he been on foot, the earth would have risen and conquered him; but in the saddle he was a master of equilibrium, and laughed at whisky, and despised the centre of gravity.
Webb turned in his saddle at the signal.
"If I was you," came Baldy's strident and perverting tones, "I'd be king!"
At eight o'clock on the following morning Bud Turner rolled from his saddle in front of the Nopalito ranch-house, and stumbled with whizzing rowels toward the gallery. Bud was in charge of the bunch of beef-cattle that was to strike the trail that morning for San Antonio. Mrs. Yeager was on the gallery watering a cluster of hyacinths growing in a red earthenware jar.
"King" McAllister had bequeathed to his daughter many of his strong characteristics--his resolution, his gay courage, his contumacious self-reliance, his pride as a reigning monarch of hoofs and horns. Allegro and fortissimo had been McAllister's temp and tone. In Santa they survived, transposed to the feminine key. Substantially, she preserved the image of the mother who had been summoned to wander in other and less finite green pastures long before the waxing herds of kine had conferred royalty upon the house. She had her mother's slim, strong figure and grave, soft prettiness that relieved in her the severity of the imperious McAllister eye and the McAllister air of royal independence.
Webb stood on one end of the gallery giving orders to two or three sub-bosses of various camps and outfits who had ridden in for instructions.
"Morning," said Bud briefly. "Where do you want them beeves to go in town--to Barber's, as usual?"
Now, to answer that had been the prerogative of the queen. All the reins of business--buying, selling, and banking--had been held by her capable fingers. The handling of cattle had been entrusted fully to her husband. In the days of "King" McAllister, Santa had been his secretary and helper; and she had continued her work with wisdom and profit. But before she could reply, the prince-consort spake up with calm decision:
"You drive that bunch to Zimmerman and Nesbit's pens. I spoke to Zimmerman about it some time ago."
Bud turned on his high boot-heels.
"Wait!" called Santa quickly. She looked at her husband with surprise in her steady gray eyes.
"Why, what do you mean, Webb?" she asked, with a small wrinkle gathering between her brows. "I never deal with Zimmerman and Nesbit. Barber has handled every head of stock from this ranch in that market for five years. I'm not going to take the business out of his hands." She faced Bud Turner. "Deliver those cattle to Barber," she concluded positively.
Bud gazed impartially at the water-jar hanging on the gallery, stood on his other leg, and chewed a mesquite-leaf.
"I want this bunch of beeves to go to Zimmerman and Nesbit," said Webb, with a frosty light in his blue eyes.
"Nonsense," said Santa impatiently. "You'd better start on, Bud, so as to noon at the Little Elm water-hole. Tell Barber we'll have another lot of culls ready in about a month."
Bud allowed a hesitating eye to steal upward and meet Webb's. Webb saw apology in his look, and fancied he saw commiseration.
"You deliver them cattle," he said grimly, "to--"
"Barber," finished Santa sharply. "Let that settle it. Is there anything else you are waiting for, Bud?"
"No, m'm," said Bud. But before going he lingered while a cow's tail could have switched thrice; for man is man's ally; and even the Philistines must have blushed when they took Samson in the way they did.
"You hear your boss!" cried Webb sardonically. He took off his hat, and bowed until it touched the floor before his wife.
"Webb," said Santa rebukingly, "you're acting mighty foolish to-day."
"Court fool, your Majesty," said Webb, in his slow tones, which had changed their quality. "What else can you expect? Let me tell you. I was a man before I married a cattle-queen. What am I now? The laughing-stock of the camps. I'll be a man again."
Santa looked at him closely.
"Don't be unreasonable, Webb," she said calmly. "You haven't been slighted in any way. Do I ever interfere in your management of the cattle? I know the business side of the ranch much better than you do. I learned it from Dad. Be sensible."
"Kingdoms and queendoms," said Webb, "don't suit me unless I am in the pictures, too. I punch the cattle and you wear the crown. All right. I'd rather be High Lord Chancellor of a cow-camp than the eight-spot in a queen-high flush. It's your ranch; and Barber gets the beeves."
Webb's horse was tied to the rack. He walked into the house and brought out his roll of blankets that he never took with him except on long rides, and his "slicker," and his longest stake-rope of plaited raw-hide. These he began to tie deliberately upon his saddle. Santa, a little pale, followed him.
Webb swung up into the saddle. His serious, smooth face was without expression except for a stubborn light that smouldered in his eyes.
"There's a herd of cows and calves," said he, "near the Hondo water- hole on the Frio that ought to be moved away from timber. Lobos have killed three of the calves. I forgot to leave orders. You'd better tell Simms to attend to it."
Santa laid a hand on the horse's bridle, and looked her husband in the eye.
"Are you going to leave me, Webb?" she asked quietly.
"I am going to be a man again," he answered.
"I wish you success in a praiseworthy attempt," she said, with a sudden coldness. She turned and walked directly into the house.
Webb Yeager rode to the southeast as straight as the topography of West Texas permitted. And when he reached the horizon he might have ridden on into blue space as far as knowledge of him on the Nopalito went. And the days, with Sundays at their head, formed into hebdomadal squads; and the weeks, captained by the full moon, closed ranks into menstrual companies crying "Tempus fugit" on their banners; and the months marched on toward the vast camp-ground of the years; but Webb Yeager came no more to the dominions of his queen.
One day a being named Bartholomew, a sheep-man--and therefore of little account--from the lower Rio Grande country, rode in sight of the Nopalito ranch-house, and felt hunger assail him. Ex consuetudine he was soon seated at the mid-day dining table of that hospitable kingdom. Talk like water gushed from him: he might have been smitten with Aaron's rod--that is your gentle shepherd when an audience is vouchsafed him whose ears are not overgrown with wool.
"Missis Yeager," he babbled, "I see a man the other day on the Rancho Seco down in Hidalgo County by your name--Webb Yeager was his. He'd just been engaged as manager. He was a tall, light-haired man, not saying much. Perhaps he was some kin of yours, do you think?"
"A husband," said Santa cordially. "The Seco has done well. Mr. Yeager is one of the best stockmen in the West."
The dropping out of a prince-consort rarely disorganises a monarchy. Queen Santa had appointed as mayordomo of the ranch a trusty subject, named Ramsay, who had been one of her father's faithful vassals. And there was scarcely a ripple on the Nopalito ranch save when the gulf-breeze created undulations in the grass of its wide acres.
For several years the Nopalito had been making experiments with an English breed of cattle that looked down with aristocratic contempt upon the Texas long-horns. The experiments were found satisfactory; and a pasture had been set aside for the blue-bloods. The fame of them had gone forth into the chaparral and pear as far as men ride in saddles. Other ranches woke up, rubbed their eyes, and looked with new dissatisfaction upon the long-horns.
As a consequence, one day a sunburned, capable, silk-kerchiefed nonchalant youth, garnished with revolvers, and attended by three Mexican vaqueros, alighted at the Nopalito ranch and presented the following business-like epistle to the queen thereof:
Mrs. Yeager--The Nopalito Ranch:
Dear Madam:
I am instructed by the owners of the Rancho Seco to purchase 100 head of two and three-year-old cows of the Sussex breed owned by you. If you can fill the order please deliver the cattle to the bearer; and a check will be forwarded to you at once.
Webster Yeager,
Manager the Rancho Seco.
Business is business, even--very scantily did it escape being written "especially"--in a kingdom.
That night the 100 head of cattle were driven up from the pasture and penned in a corral near the ranch-house for delivery in the morning.
When night closed down and the house was still, did Santa Yeager throw herself down, clasping that formal note to her bosom, weeping, and calling out a name that pride (either in one or the other) had kept from her lips many a day? Or did she file the letter, in her business way, retaining her royal balance and strength?
Wonder, if you will; but royalty is sacred; and there is a veil. But this much you shall learn:
At midnight Santa slipped softly out of the ranch-house, clothed in something dark and plain. She paused for a moment under the live-oak trees. The prairies were somewhat dim, and the moonlight was pale orange, diluted with particles of an impalpable, flying mist. But the mock-bird whistled on every bough of vantage; leagues of flowers scented the air; and a kindergarten of little shadowy rabbits leaped and played in an open space near by. Santa turned her face to the southeast and threw three kisses thitherward; for there was none to see.
Then she sped silently to the blacksmith-shop, fifty yards away; and what she did there can only be surmised. But the forge glowed red; and there was a faint hammering such as Cupid might make when he sharpens his arrow-points.
Later she came forth with a queer-shaped, handled thing in one hand, and a portable furnace, such as are seen in branding-camps, in the other. To the corral where the Sussex cattle were penned she sped with these things swiftly in the moonlight.
She opened the gate and slipped inside the corral. The Sussex cattle were mostly a dark red. But among this bunch was one that was milky white--notable among the others.
And now Santa shook from her shoulder something that we had not seen before--a rope lasso. She freed the loop of it, coiling the length in her left hand, and plunged into the thick of the cattle.
The white cow was her object. She swung the lasso, which caught one horn and slipped off. The next throw encircled the forefeet and the animal fell heavily. Santa made for it like a panther; but it scrambled up and dashed against her, knocking her over like a blade of grass.
Again she made her cast, while the aroused cattle milled around the four sides of the corral in a plunging mass. This throw was fair; the white cow came to earth again; and before it could rise Santa had made the lasso fast around a post of the corral with a swift and simple knot, and had leaped upon the cow again with the rawhide hobbles.
In one minute the feet of the animal were tied (no record-breaking deed) and Santa leaned against the corral for the same space of time, panting and lax.
And then she ran swiftly to her furnace at the gate and brought the branding-iron, queerly shaped and white-hot.
The bellow of the outraged white cow, as the iron was applied, should have stirred the slumbering auricular nerves and consciences of the near-by subjects of the Nopalito, but it did not. And it was amid the deepest nocturnal silence that Santa ran like a lapwing back to the ranch-house and there fell upon a cot and sobbed--sobbed as though queens had hearts as simple ranchmen's wives have, and as though she would gladly make kings of prince-consorts, should they ride back again from over the hills and far away.
In the morning the capable, revolvered youth and his vaqueros set forth, driving the bunch of Sussex cattle across the prairies to the Rancho Seco. Ninety miles it was; a six days' journey, grazing and watering the animals on the way.
The beasts arrived at Rancho Seco one evening at dusk; and were received and counted by the foreman of the ranch.
The next morning at eight o'clock a horseman loped out of the brush to the Nopalito ranch-house. He dismounted stiffly, and strode, with whizzing spurs, to the house. His horse gave a great sigh and swayed foam-streaked, with down-drooping head and closed eyes.
But waste not your pity upon Belshazzar, the flea-bitten sorrel. To-day, in Nopalito horse-pasture he survives, pampered, beloved, unridden, cherished record-holder of long-distance rides.
The horseman stumbled into the house. Two arms fell around his neck, and someone cried out in the voice of woman and queen alike: "Webb-- oh, Webb!"
"I was a skunk," said Webb Yeager.
"Hush," said Santa, "did you see it?"
"I saw it," said Webb.
What they meant God knows; and you shall know, if you rightly read the primer of events.
"Be the cattle-queen," said Webb; "and overlook it if you can. I was a mangy, sheep-stealing coyote."
"Hush!" said Santa again, laying her fingers upon his mouth. "There's no queen here. Do you know who I am? I am Santa Yeager, First Lady of the Bedchamber. Come here."
She dragged him from the gallery into the room to the right. There stood a cradle with an infant in it--a red, ribald, unintelligible, babbling, beautiful infant, sputtering at life in an unseemly manner.
"There's no queen on this ranch," said Santa again. "Look at the king. He's got your eyes, Webb. Down on your knees and look at his Highness."
But jingling rowels sounded on the gallery, and Bud Turner stumbled there again with the same query that he had brought, lacking a few days, a year ago.
"'Morning. Them beeves is just turned out on the trail. Shall I drive 'em to Barber's, or--"
He saw Webb and stopped, open-mouthed.
"Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba!" shrieked the king in his cradle, beating the air with his fists.
"You hear your boss, Bud," said Webb Yeager, with a broad grin--just as he had said a year ago.
And that is all, except that when old man Quinn, owner of the Rancho Seco, went out to look over the herd of Sussex cattle that he had bought from the Nopalito ranch, he asked his new manager:
"What's the Nopalito ranch brand, Wilson?"
"X Bar Y," said Wilson.
"I thought so," said Quinn. "But look at that white heifer there; she's got another brand--a heart with a cross inside of it. What brand is that?"
by O. Henry
Baldy Woods reached for the bottle, and got it. Whenever Baldy went for anything he usually--but this is not Baldy's story. He poured out a third drink that was larger by a finger than the first and second. Baldy was in consultation; and the consultee is worthy of his hire.
"I'd be king if I was you," said Baldy, so positively that his holster creaked and his spurs rattled.
Webb Yeager pushed back his flat-brimmed Stetson, and made further disorder in his straw-coloured hair. The tonsorial recourse being without avail, he followed the liquid example of the more resourceful Baldy.
"If a man marries a queen, it oughtn't to make him a two-spot," declared Webb, epitomising his grievances.
"Sure not," said Baldy, sympathetic, still thirsty, and genuinely solicitous concerning the relative value of the cards. "By rights you're a king. If I was you, I'd call for a new deal. The cards have been stacked on you--I'll tell you what you are, Webb Yeager."
"What?" asked Webb, with a hopeful look in his pale-blue eyes.
"You're a prince-consort."
"Go easy," said Webb. "I never blackguarded you none."
"It's a title," explained Baldy, "up among the picture-cards; but it don't take no tricks. I'll tell you, Webb. It's a brand they're got for certain animals in Europe. Say that you or me or one of them Dutch dukes marries in a royal family. Well, by and by our wife gets to be queen. Are we king? Not in a million years. At the coronation ceremonies we march between little casino and the Ninth Grand Custodian of the Royal Hall Bedchamber. The only use we are is to appear in photographs, and accept the responsibility for the heir- apparent. That ain't any square deal. Yes, sir, Webb, you're a prince- consort; and if I was you, I'd start a interregnum or a habeus corpus or somethin'; and I'd be king if I had to turn from the bottom of the deck."
Baldy emptied his glass to the ratification of his Warwick pose.
"Baldy," said Webb, solemnly, "me and you punched cows in the same outfit for years. We been runnin' on the same range, and ridin' the same trails since we was boys. I wouldn't talk about my family affairs to nobody but you. You was line-rider on the Nopalito Ranch when I married Santa McAllister. I was foreman then; but what am I now? I don't amount to a knot in a stake rope."
"When old McAllister was the cattle king of West Texas," continued Baldy with Satanic sweetness, "you was some tallow. You had as much to say on the ranch as he did."
"I did," admitted Webb, "up to the time he found out I was tryin' to get my rope over Santa's head. Then he kept me out on the range as far from the ranch-house as he could. When the old man died they commenced to call Santa the 'cattle queen.' I'm boss of the cattle--that's all. She 'tends to all the business; she handles all the money; I can't sell even a beef-steer to a party of campers, myself. Santa's the 'queen'; and I'm Mr. Nobody."
"I'd be king if I was you," repeated Baldy Woods, the royalist. "When a man marries a queen he ought to grade up with her--on the hoof-- dressed--dried--corned--any old way from the chaparral to the packing- house. Lots of folks thinks it's funny, Webb, that you don't have the say-so on the Nopalito. I ain't reflectin' none on Miz Yeager--she's the finest little lady between the Rio Grande and next Christmas--but a man ought to be boss of his own camp."
The smooth, brown face of Yeager lengthened to a mask of wounded melancholy. With that expression, and his rumpled yellow hair and guileless blue eyes, he might have been likened to a schoolboy whose leadership had been usurped by a youngster of superior strength. But his active and sinewy seventy-two inches, and his girded revolvers forbade the comparison.
"What was that you called me, Baldy?" he asked. "What kind of a concert was it?"
"A 'consort,'" corrected Baldy--"a 'prince-consort.' It's a kind of short-card pseudonym. You come in sort of between Jack-high and a four-card flush."
Webb Yeager sighed, and gathered the strap of his Winchester scabbard from the floor.
"I'm ridin' back to the ranch to-day," he said half-heartedly. "I've got to start a bunch of beeves for San Antone in the morning."
"I'm your company as far as Dry Lake," announced Baldy. "I've got a round-up camp on the San Marcos cuttin' out two-year-olds."
The two companeros mounted their ponies and trotted away from the little railroad settlement, where they had foregathered in the thirsty morning.
At Dry Lake, where their routes diverged, they reined up for a parting cigarette. For miles they had ridden in silence save for the soft drum of the ponies' hoofs on the matted mesquite grass, and the rattle of the chaparral against their wooden stirrups. But in Texas discourse is seldom continuous. You may fill in a mile, a meal, and a murder between your paragraphs without detriment to your thesis. So, without apology, Webb offered an addendum to the conversation that had begun ten miles away.
"You remember, yourself, Baldy, that there was a time when Santa wasn't quite so independent. You remember the days when old McAllister was keepin' us apart, and how she used to send me the sign that she wanted to see me? Old man Mac promised to make me look like a colander if I ever come in gun-shot of the ranch. You remember the sign she used to send, Baldy--the heart with a cross inside of it?"
"Me?" cried Baldy, with intoxicated archness. "You old sugar-stealing coyote! Don't I remember! Why, you dad-blamed old long-horned turtle- dove, the boys in camp was all cognoscious about them hiroglyphs. The 'gizzard-and-crossbones' we used to call it. We used to see 'em on truck that was sent out from the ranch. They was marked in charcoal on the sacks of flour and in lead-pencil on the newspapers. I see one of 'em once chalked on the back of a new cook that old man McAllister sent out from the ranch--danged if I didn't."
"Santa's father," explained Webb gently, "got her to promise that she wouldn't write to me or send me any word. That heart-and-cross sign was her scheme. Whenever she wanted to see me in particular she managed to put that mark on somethin' at the ranch that she knew I'd see. And I never laid eyes on it but what I burnt the wind for the ranch the same night. I used to see her in that coma mott back of the little horse-corral."
"We knowed it," chanted Baldy; "but we never let on. We was all for you. We knowed why you always kept that fast paint in camp. And when we see that gizzard-and-crossbones figured out on the truck from the ranch we knowed old Pinto was goin' to eat up miles that night instead of grass. You remember Scurry--that educated horse-wrangler we had-- the college fellow that tangle-foot drove to the range? Whenever Scurry saw that come-meet-your-honey brand on anything from the ranch, he'd wave his hand like that, and say, 'Our friend Lee Andrews will again swim the Hell's point to-night.'"
"The last time Santa sent me the sign," said Webb, "was once when she was sick. I noticed it as soon as I hit camp, and I galloped Pinto forty mile that night. She wasn't at the coma mott. I went to the house; and old McAllister met me at the door. 'Did you come here to get killed?' says he; 'I'll disoblige you for once. I just started a Mexican to bring you. Santa wants you. Go in that room and see her. And then come out here and see me.'
"Santa was lyin' in bed pretty sick. But she gives out a kind of a smile, and her hand and mine lock horns, and I sets down by the bed-- mud and spurs and chaps and all. 'I've heard you ridin' across the grass for hours, Webb,' she says. 'I was sure you'd come. You saw the sign?' she whispers. 'The minute I hit camp,' says I. ''Twas marked on the bag of potatoes and onions.' 'They're always together,' says she, soft like--'always together in life.' 'They go well together,' I says, 'in a stew.' 'I mean hearts and crosses,' says Santa. 'Our sign--to love and to suffer--that's what they mean.'
"And there was old Doc Musgrove amusin' himself with whisky and a palm-leaf fan. And by and by Santa goes to sleep; and Doc feels her forehead; and he says to me: 'You're not such a bad febrifuge. But you'd better slide out now; for the diagnosis don't call for you in regular doses. The little lady'll be all right when she wakes up.'
"I seen old McAllister outside. 'She's asleep,' says I. 'And now you can start in with your colander-work. Take your time; for I left my gun on my saddle-horn.'
"Old Mac laughs, and he says to me: 'Pumpin' lead into the best ranch- boss in West Texas don't seem to me good business policy. I don't know where I could get as good a one. It's the son-in-law idea, Webb, that makes me admire for to use you as a target. You ain't my idea for a member of the family. But I can use you on the Nopalito if you'll keep outside of a radius with the ranch-house in the middle of it. You go upstairs and lay down on a cot, and when you get some sleep we'll talk it over.'"
Baldy Woods pulled down his hat, and uncurled his leg from his saddle- horn. Webb shortened his rein, and his pony danced, anxious to be off. The two men shook hands with Western ceremony.
"Adios, Baldy," said Webb, "I'm glad I seen you and had this talk."
With a pounding rush that sounded like the rise of a covey of quail, the riders sped away toward different points of the compass. A hundred yards on his route Baldy reined in on the top of a bare knoll, and emitted a yell. He swayed on his horse; had he been on foot, the earth would have risen and conquered him; but in the saddle he was a master of equilibrium, and laughed at whisky, and despised the centre of gravity.
Webb turned in his saddle at the signal.
"If I was you," came Baldy's strident and perverting tones, "I'd be king!"
At eight o'clock on the following morning Bud Turner rolled from his saddle in front of the Nopalito ranch-house, and stumbled with whizzing rowels toward the gallery. Bud was in charge of the bunch of beef-cattle that was to strike the trail that morning for San Antonio. Mrs. Yeager was on the gallery watering a cluster of hyacinths growing in a red earthenware jar.
"King" McAllister had bequeathed to his daughter many of his strong characteristics--his resolution, his gay courage, his contumacious self-reliance, his pride as a reigning monarch of hoofs and horns. Allegro and fortissimo had been McAllister's temp and tone. In Santa they survived, transposed to the feminine key. Substantially, she preserved the image of the mother who had been summoned to wander in other and less finite green pastures long before the waxing herds of kine had conferred royalty upon the house. She had her mother's slim, strong figure and grave, soft prettiness that relieved in her the severity of the imperious McAllister eye and the McAllister air of royal independence.
Webb stood on one end of the gallery giving orders to two or three sub-bosses of various camps and outfits who had ridden in for instructions.
"Morning," said Bud briefly. "Where do you want them beeves to go in town--to Barber's, as usual?"
Now, to answer that had been the prerogative of the queen. All the reins of business--buying, selling, and banking--had been held by her capable fingers. The handling of cattle had been entrusted fully to her husband. In the days of "King" McAllister, Santa had been his secretary and helper; and she had continued her work with wisdom and profit. But before she could reply, the prince-consort spake up with calm decision:
"You drive that bunch to Zimmerman and Nesbit's pens. I spoke to Zimmerman about it some time ago."
Bud turned on his high boot-heels.
"Wait!" called Santa quickly. She looked at her husband with surprise in her steady gray eyes.
"Why, what do you mean, Webb?" she asked, with a small wrinkle gathering between her brows. "I never deal with Zimmerman and Nesbit. Barber has handled every head of stock from this ranch in that market for five years. I'm not going to take the business out of his hands." She faced Bud Turner. "Deliver those cattle to Barber," she concluded positively.
Bud gazed impartially at the water-jar hanging on the gallery, stood on his other leg, and chewed a mesquite-leaf.
"I want this bunch of beeves to go to Zimmerman and Nesbit," said Webb, with a frosty light in his blue eyes.
"Nonsense," said Santa impatiently. "You'd better start on, Bud, so as to noon at the Little Elm water-hole. Tell Barber we'll have another lot of culls ready in about a month."
Bud allowed a hesitating eye to steal upward and meet Webb's. Webb saw apology in his look, and fancied he saw commiseration.
"You deliver them cattle," he said grimly, "to--"
"Barber," finished Santa sharply. "Let that settle it. Is there anything else you are waiting for, Bud?"
"No, m'm," said Bud. But before going he lingered while a cow's tail could have switched thrice; for man is man's ally; and even the Philistines must have blushed when they took Samson in the way they did.
"You hear your boss!" cried Webb sardonically. He took off his hat, and bowed until it touched the floor before his wife.
"Webb," said Santa rebukingly, "you're acting mighty foolish to-day."
"Court fool, your Majesty," said Webb, in his slow tones, which had changed their quality. "What else can you expect? Let me tell you. I was a man before I married a cattle-queen. What am I now? The laughing-stock of the camps. I'll be a man again."
Santa looked at him closely.
"Don't be unreasonable, Webb," she said calmly. "You haven't been slighted in any way. Do I ever interfere in your management of the cattle? I know the business side of the ranch much better than you do. I learned it from Dad. Be sensible."
"Kingdoms and queendoms," said Webb, "don't suit me unless I am in the pictures, too. I punch the cattle and you wear the crown. All right. I'd rather be High Lord Chancellor of a cow-camp than the eight-spot in a queen-high flush. It's your ranch; and Barber gets the beeves."
Webb's horse was tied to the rack. He walked into the house and brought out his roll of blankets that he never took with him except on long rides, and his "slicker," and his longest stake-rope of plaited raw-hide. These he began to tie deliberately upon his saddle. Santa, a little pale, followed him.
Webb swung up into the saddle. His serious, smooth face was without expression except for a stubborn light that smouldered in his eyes.
"There's a herd of cows and calves," said he, "near the Hondo water- hole on the Frio that ought to be moved away from timber. Lobos have killed three of the calves. I forgot to leave orders. You'd better tell Simms to attend to it."
Santa laid a hand on the horse's bridle, and looked her husband in the eye.
"Are you going to leave me, Webb?" she asked quietly.
"I am going to be a man again," he answered.
"I wish you success in a praiseworthy attempt," she said, with a sudden coldness. She turned and walked directly into the house.
Webb Yeager rode to the southeast as straight as the topography of West Texas permitted. And when he reached the horizon he might have ridden on into blue space as far as knowledge of him on the Nopalito went. And the days, with Sundays at their head, formed into hebdomadal squads; and the weeks, captained by the full moon, closed ranks into menstrual companies crying "Tempus fugit" on their banners; and the months marched on toward the vast camp-ground of the years; but Webb Yeager came no more to the dominions of his queen.
One day a being named Bartholomew, a sheep-man--and therefore of little account--from the lower Rio Grande country, rode in sight of the Nopalito ranch-house, and felt hunger assail him. Ex consuetudine he was soon seated at the mid-day dining table of that hospitable kingdom. Talk like water gushed from him: he might have been smitten with Aaron's rod--that is your gentle shepherd when an audience is vouchsafed him whose ears are not overgrown with wool.
"Missis Yeager," he babbled, "I see a man the other day on the Rancho Seco down in Hidalgo County by your name--Webb Yeager was his. He'd just been engaged as manager. He was a tall, light-haired man, not saying much. Perhaps he was some kin of yours, do you think?"
"A husband," said Santa cordially. "The Seco has done well. Mr. Yeager is one of the best stockmen in the West."
The dropping out of a prince-consort rarely disorganises a monarchy. Queen Santa had appointed as mayordomo of the ranch a trusty subject, named Ramsay, who had been one of her father's faithful vassals. And there was scarcely a ripple on the Nopalito ranch save when the gulf-breeze created undulations in the grass of its wide acres.
For several years the Nopalito had been making experiments with an English breed of cattle that looked down with aristocratic contempt upon the Texas long-horns. The experiments were found satisfactory; and a pasture had been set aside for the blue-bloods. The fame of them had gone forth into the chaparral and pear as far as men ride in saddles. Other ranches woke up, rubbed their eyes, and looked with new dissatisfaction upon the long-horns.
As a consequence, one day a sunburned, capable, silk-kerchiefed nonchalant youth, garnished with revolvers, and attended by three Mexican vaqueros, alighted at the Nopalito ranch and presented the following business-like epistle to the queen thereof:
Mrs. Yeager--The Nopalito Ranch:
Dear Madam:
I am instructed by the owners of the Rancho Seco to purchase 100 head of two and three-year-old cows of the Sussex breed owned by you. If you can fill the order please deliver the cattle to the bearer; and a check will be forwarded to you at once.
Webster Yeager,
Manager the Rancho Seco.
Business is business, even--very scantily did it escape being written "especially"--in a kingdom.
That night the 100 head of cattle were driven up from the pasture and penned in a corral near the ranch-house for delivery in the morning.
When night closed down and the house was still, did Santa Yeager throw herself down, clasping that formal note to her bosom, weeping, and calling out a name that pride (either in one or the other) had kept from her lips many a day? Or did she file the letter, in her business way, retaining her royal balance and strength?
Wonder, if you will; but royalty is sacred; and there is a veil. But this much you shall learn:
At midnight Santa slipped softly out of the ranch-house, clothed in something dark and plain. She paused for a moment under the live-oak trees. The prairies were somewhat dim, and the moonlight was pale orange, diluted with particles of an impalpable, flying mist. But the mock-bird whistled on every bough of vantage; leagues of flowers scented the air; and a kindergarten of little shadowy rabbits leaped and played in an open space near by. Santa turned her face to the southeast and threw three kisses thitherward; for there was none to see.
Then she sped silently to the blacksmith-shop, fifty yards away; and what she did there can only be surmised. But the forge glowed red; and there was a faint hammering such as Cupid might make when he sharpens his arrow-points.
Later she came forth with a queer-shaped, handled thing in one hand, and a portable furnace, such as are seen in branding-camps, in the other. To the corral where the Sussex cattle were penned she sped with these things swiftly in the moonlight.
She opened the gate and slipped inside the corral. The Sussex cattle were mostly a dark red. But among this bunch was one that was milky white--notable among the others.
And now Santa shook from her shoulder something that we had not seen before--a rope lasso. She freed the loop of it, coiling the length in her left hand, and plunged into the thick of the cattle.
The white cow was her object. She swung the lasso, which caught one horn and slipped off. The next throw encircled the forefeet and the animal fell heavily. Santa made for it like a panther; but it scrambled up and dashed against her, knocking her over like a blade of grass.
Again she made her cast, while the aroused cattle milled around the four sides of the corral in a plunging mass. This throw was fair; the white cow came to earth again; and before it could rise Santa had made the lasso fast around a post of the corral with a swift and simple knot, and had leaped upon the cow again with the rawhide hobbles.
In one minute the feet of the animal were tied (no record-breaking deed) and Santa leaned against the corral for the same space of time, panting and lax.
And then she ran swiftly to her furnace at the gate and brought the branding-iron, queerly shaped and white-hot.
The bellow of the outraged white cow, as the iron was applied, should have stirred the slumbering auricular nerves and consciences of the near-by subjects of the Nopalito, but it did not. And it was amid the deepest nocturnal silence that Santa ran like a lapwing back to the ranch-house and there fell upon a cot and sobbed--sobbed as though queens had hearts as simple ranchmen's wives have, and as though she would gladly make kings of prince-consorts, should they ride back again from over the hills and far away.
In the morning the capable, revolvered youth and his vaqueros set forth, driving the bunch of Sussex cattle across the prairies to the Rancho Seco. Ninety miles it was; a six days' journey, grazing and watering the animals on the way.
The beasts arrived at Rancho Seco one evening at dusk; and were received and counted by the foreman of the ranch.
The next morning at eight o'clock a horseman loped out of the brush to the Nopalito ranch-house. He dismounted stiffly, and strode, with whizzing spurs, to the house. His horse gave a great sigh and swayed foam-streaked, with down-drooping head and closed eyes.
But waste not your pity upon Belshazzar, the flea-bitten sorrel. To-day, in Nopalito horse-pasture he survives, pampered, beloved, unridden, cherished record-holder of long-distance rides.
The horseman stumbled into the house. Two arms fell around his neck, and someone cried out in the voice of woman and queen alike: "Webb-- oh, Webb!"
"I was a skunk," said Webb Yeager.
"Hush," said Santa, "did you see it?"
"I saw it," said Webb.
What they meant God knows; and you shall know, if you rightly read the primer of events.
"Be the cattle-queen," said Webb; "and overlook it if you can. I was a mangy, sheep-stealing coyote."
"Hush!" said Santa again, laying her fingers upon his mouth. "There's no queen here. Do you know who I am? I am Santa Yeager, First Lady of the Bedchamber. Come here."
She dragged him from the gallery into the room to the right. There stood a cradle with an infant in it--a red, ribald, unintelligible, babbling, beautiful infant, sputtering at life in an unseemly manner.
"There's no queen on this ranch," said Santa again. "Look at the king. He's got your eyes, Webb. Down on your knees and look at his Highness."
But jingling rowels sounded on the gallery, and Bud Turner stumbled there again with the same query that he had brought, lacking a few days, a year ago.
"'Morning. Them beeves is just turned out on the trail. Shall I drive 'em to Barber's, or--"
He saw Webb and stopped, open-mouthed.
"Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba!" shrieked the king in his cradle, beating the air with his fists.
"You hear your boss, Bud," said Webb Yeager, with a broad grin--just as he had said a year ago.
And that is all, except that when old man Quinn, owner of the Rancho Seco, went out to look over the herd of Sussex cattle that he had bought from the Nopalito ranch, he asked his new manager:
"What's the Nopalito ranch brand, Wilson?"
"X Bar Y," said Wilson.
"I thought so," said Quinn. "But look at that white heifer there; she's got another brand--a heart with a cross inside of it. What brand is that?"
Sunday, May 16, 2010
What is a morpheme?
A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in the grammar of a language.
What is an affix? (Linguistics)
An affix is a bound morpheme that is joined before, after, or within a root or stem.
What is a suffix?
A suffix is an affix that is attached to the end of a root or stem.
What is suffixation?
Suffixation is a morphological process whereby a bound morpheme is attached to the end of a stem.
The kind of affix involved in this process is called a suffix.
What is a morphological process?
A morphological process is a means of changing a stem to adjust its meaning to fit its syntactic and communicational context.
Most languages that are agglutinative in any way use suffixation. Some of these languages also use prefixation and infixation. Very few languages use only prefixation, and none employ only infixation or any of the other types of morphological processes listed below.
What is affixation?
Affixation is the morphological process whereby an affix is attached to a root or stem.
Example (English)
In English, the plural morpheme suffix is added to job, rat, and kiss to form the following forms:
* jobs
* rats
* kisses
A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in the grammar of a language.
What is an affix? (Linguistics)
An affix is a bound morpheme that is joined before, after, or within a root or stem.
What is a suffix?
A suffix is an affix that is attached to the end of a root or stem.
What is suffixation?
Suffixation is a morphological process whereby a bound morpheme is attached to the end of a stem.
The kind of affix involved in this process is called a suffix.
What is a morphological process?
A morphological process is a means of changing a stem to adjust its meaning to fit its syntactic and communicational context.
Most languages that are agglutinative in any way use suffixation. Some of these languages also use prefixation and infixation. Very few languages use only prefixation, and none employ only infixation or any of the other types of morphological processes listed below.
What is affixation?
Affixation is the morphological process whereby an affix is attached to a root or stem.
Example (English)
In English, the plural morpheme suffix is added to job, rat, and kiss to form the following forms:
* jobs
* rats
* kisses
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
A Cliff Dwelling
Sebuah Tempat Tinggal Cliff
Ada berpasir emas tampaknya langit
Dan emas tampaknya dataran berpasir.
kediaman tidak memenuhi mata
Kecuali di tepi cakrawala,
Beberapa setengah jalan dinding batu kapur,
Bahwa noda hitam bukan noda
Atau bayangan, tapi sebuah lubang gua,
Dimana seseorang yang digunakan untuk memanjat dan merangkak
Untuk beristirahat dari ketakutannya melanda.
Aku melihat kalus pada jiwanya
Yang terakhir menghilang dia
Dan kelaparan ras ramping,
Oh tahun lalu - sepuluh ribu tahun.
Ada berpasir emas tampaknya langit
Dan emas tampaknya dataran berpasir.
kediaman tidak memenuhi mata
Kecuali di tepi cakrawala,
Beberapa setengah jalan dinding batu kapur,
Bahwa noda hitam bukan noda
Atau bayangan, tapi sebuah lubang gua,
Dimana seseorang yang digunakan untuk memanjat dan merangkak
Untuk beristirahat dari ketakutannya melanda.
Aku melihat kalus pada jiwanya
Yang terakhir menghilang dia
Dan kelaparan ras ramping,
Oh tahun lalu - sepuluh ribu tahun.
A Cliff Dwelling
There sandy seems the golden sky
And golden seems the sandy plain.
No habitation meets the eye
Unless in the horizon rim,
Some halfway up the limestone wall,
That spot of black is not a stain
Or shadow, but a cavern hole,
Where someone used to climb and crawl
To rest from his besetting fears.
I see the callus on his soul
The disappearing last of him
And of his race starvation slim,
Oh years ago - ten thousand years.
Robert Frost
And golden seems the sandy plain.
No habitation meets the eye
Unless in the horizon rim,
Some halfway up the limestone wall,
That spot of black is not a stain
Or shadow, but a cavern hole,
Where someone used to climb and crawl
To rest from his besetting fears.
I see the callus on his soul
The disappearing last of him
And of his race starvation slim,
Oh years ago - ten thousand years.
Robert Frost
Shakespeare's Language » Blank verse, prose & rhyme Blank verseIambic rhythmTrochaic rhythmPentameter
During the sixteenth century, the form known as blank verse was introduced into English drama. This enabled playwrights to vary the kind of language spoken by their characters, and hence to allow the audience to hear different patterns of language for different purposes.
In addition, Shakespeare as a playwright did not simply use prose— the usual style of writing and speech, in which, for example, this information (apart from quotations) is written — but also rhyme.
Blank verse
This is usually defined as ‘unrhymed iambic pentameter’.
To understand this, it is necessary to realise that most English words of more than one syllable have a stressed syllable:
* when we say the word ‘ messenger’ we slightly stress the first syllable
* in ‘occ asion’ and ‘in visible’ we stress the second
* in ‘satis faction’ the third.
If we choose words which have the same stressed syllable, a pattern emerges — for example the well-known chant from Macbeth:
‘Double, double, toil and trouble,
Fire burn and cauldron bubble’.
Fire burn and cauldron bubble’.
More on stresses: Small words such as ‘and’ and ‘the’ are usually unstressed. ‘Fire’ was pronounced as two syllables in Shakespeare’s time.
Iambic rhythm
The commonest stress pattern in spoken English is where one unstressed, or weak, syllable is followed by a stressed, or strong, one – for example: ‘He knew he had to go to school to day.’ This is called iambic rhythm.
Playwrights realised that, by using this natural inclination in a more organised way, they could simultaneously suggest real speech and yet introduce a more formal, organised pattern to their language.
More on varying the pattern: Of course, if the pattern was never varied from this weak/strong one it would sound dreadful — the sort of sing-song that Shakespeare parodies in A Midsummer Night’s Dream when Bottom thinks he is proclaiming great verse:
‘The raging rocks
And shivering shocks
Shall break the locks
Of prison gates. …’
However, an underlying iambic rhythm forms the basis of much Shakespearean speech:
‘Or rather say the cause of this de fect’ … ‘What’s Hecuba to him or he to her?’….
Trochaic rhythm
The opposite pattern (strong/weak rather than weak/strong) is known as a trochaic rhythm or metre, for example, ‘ Cloudy weather reaching Northern Ireland ….’
More on trochaic metre: In the chant of the Weird Sisters from Macbeth, we can hear that Shakespeare uses a trochaic metre to distinguish these creatures from ordinary humans — just as he does with Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream when Puck chants:
‘ If we shadows have off ended,
Think but this and all is mended…’
These chants also differ from most Shakespearean speeches in that:
* they have only eight syllables to the line, as opposed to ten
* they are in rhyme.
Lines with ten syllables, in five groups of weak/strong beats, are known as pentameter, from the Greek word for five. So, lines written in iambic rhythm, with five groups of weak/strong beats — pentameter — but unrhymed, are called blank verse.
In addition, Shakespeare as a playwright did not simply use prose— the usual style of writing and speech, in which, for example, this information (apart from quotations) is written — but also rhyme.
Blank verse
This is usually defined as ‘unrhymed iambic pentameter’.
To understand this, it is necessary to realise that most English words of more than one syllable have a stressed syllable:
* when we say the word ‘ messenger’ we slightly stress the first syllable
* in ‘occ asion’ and ‘in visible’ we stress the second
* in ‘satis faction’ the third.
If we choose words which have the same stressed syllable, a pattern emerges — for example the well-known chant from Macbeth:
‘Double, double, toil and trouble,
Fire burn and cauldron bubble’.
Fire burn and cauldron bubble’.
More on stresses: Small words such as ‘and’ and ‘the’ are usually unstressed. ‘Fire’ was pronounced as two syllables in Shakespeare’s time.
Iambic rhythm
The commonest stress pattern in spoken English is where one unstressed, or weak, syllable is followed by a stressed, or strong, one – for example: ‘He knew he had to go to school to day.’ This is called iambic rhythm.
Playwrights realised that, by using this natural inclination in a more organised way, they could simultaneously suggest real speech and yet introduce a more formal, organised pattern to their language.
More on varying the pattern: Of course, if the pattern was never varied from this weak/strong one it would sound dreadful — the sort of sing-song that Shakespeare parodies in A Midsummer Night’s Dream when Bottom thinks he is proclaiming great verse:
‘The raging rocks
And shivering shocks
Shall break the locks
Of prison gates. …’
However, an underlying iambic rhythm forms the basis of much Shakespearean speech:
‘Or rather say the cause of this de fect’ … ‘What’s Hecuba to him or he to her?’….
Trochaic rhythm
The opposite pattern (strong/weak rather than weak/strong) is known as a trochaic rhythm or metre, for example, ‘ Cloudy weather reaching Northern Ireland ….’
More on trochaic metre: In the chant of the Weird Sisters from Macbeth, we can hear that Shakespeare uses a trochaic metre to distinguish these creatures from ordinary humans — just as he does with Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream when Puck chants:
‘ If we shadows have off ended,
Think but this and all is mended…’
These chants also differ from most Shakespearean speeches in that:
* they have only eight syllables to the line, as opposed to ten
* they are in rhyme.
Lines with ten syllables, in five groups of weak/strong beats, are known as pentameter, from the Greek word for five. So, lines written in iambic rhythm, with five groups of weak/strong beats — pentameter — but unrhymed, are called blank verse.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Manajemen AKSI l "Mahasiswa adalah aset umat. Ia bersifat elitis dan eksklusif. Jumlahnya hanya 2 % dari penduduk Indonesia yang 200 juta jiwa. Mahasiswa aktivis lebih elitis lagi, mungkin hanya ada 1 mahasiswa aktivis di antara 10 mahasiswa. Namun, agenda yang mereka perjuangkan sangat populis, dan realistis. Mahasiswa-lah yang bisa membangkitkan semangat perlawanan rakyat terhadap rezim tiran. Mahasiswa-lah yang bisa mengawal reformasi hingga ke titik tujuan. Rakyat menaruh harapan atas kekuatan intelektual dan kekuatan aksi yang mahasiswa miliki.Jadi, pahami dirimu dan sekitarmu, dan mari kita bergerak lagi ! Reformasi belum usai !” Dengan kekuatan intelektual di atas rata-rata masyarakat awam, mahasiswa memiliki kemudahan untuk mengakses berbagai informasi wacana dan peristiwa dalam lingkup lokal hingga internasional. Begitu juga dengan kemudahan akses literatur ilmiah dan gerakan-gerakan pemikiran, yang pada tujuan akhirnya akan menentukan ideologi atau sistem hidup yang akan dijalaninya. Buku yang ia baca, informasi yang ia terima, tokoh-tokoh yang ia ajak bicara, adalah beberapa faktor utama yang kelak sangat berpengaruh terhadap idealisme hidupnya.Selain kekuatan intelektual yang identik dengan aktivitas ilmiah, mahasiswa juga memiliki kewajiban untuk menguatkan potensi kepekaan sosial politiknya. Disebut kepekaan sosial karena mahasiswa pada dasarnya adalah bagian dari rakyat. Apapun yang terjadi pada rakyat maka mahasiswa akan turut juga merasakannya. Kenaikan BBM, harga bahan pokok, listrik, dan air misalnya akan memberi ekses terhadap aktivitas kuliah. Disebut kepekaan politik, karena gejolak sosial yang terjadi umumnya selalu merupakan hasil side effect dari aktivitas politik, semisal disahkannya suatu UU. UU Ketenagakerjaan misalnya akan mempengaruhi kesejahteraan dan taraf hidup para buruh.Setelah cerdas secara profesi keilmuan dan cerdas sosial politik, maka sebagai gerakan ekstraparlementer mahasiswa memiliki kewajiban moral untuk mengimplementasikan pengetahuannya itu dalam bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Atau dengan kata lain menyuarakan kepentingan kebenaran dan rakyat. Berbagai metode dapat dilakukan. Dari bentuk pendampingan, advokasi, public hearing, audiensi dengan pemerintah dan legislatif, hingga demonstrasi (aksi). Demonstrasi adalah cara paling efektif dalam menyuarakan kebenaran, khususnya jika dilaksanakan pada rezim yang antidemokratis dan tiran. Dalam makalah ini, akan dibahas sekelumit tentang manjamen demonstrasi atau aksi, yang selanjutnya akan disebut dengan MoA (Management of Action). Pengetahuan akan MoA ini menjadi penting agar niatan yang benar itu dapat mencapai hasil optimal karena dilakukan dengan cara yang benar pula. MANAJEMEN AKSIPengertianAksi (demontrasi) adalah suatu model pernyataan sikap, penyuaraan pendapat, opini, atau tuntutan yang dilakukan dengan jumlah massa terntentu dan dengan teknik tertentu agar mendapat perhatian dari pihak yang dituju tanpa menggunakan mekanisme konvensional (birokrasi). Demonstrasi juga bertujuan untuk menekan pembuat keputusan untuk melakukan sesuatu. Latar Belakang dan Tujuan Aksi umumnya dilatarbelakangi oleh matinya jalur penyampaian aspirasi atau buntunya metode dialog.. Dalam trias politika, aspirasi rakyat diwakili oleh anggota legislatif. Namun dalam kondisi pemerintahan yang korup, para legislator tak dapat memainkan perannya, sehingga rakyat langsung mengambil ‘jalan pintas’ dalam bentuk aksi. Aksi juga dilakukan dalam rangka pembentukan opini atau mencari dukungan publik. Dengan demikian isu yang digulirkan harapannya dapat menjadi snowball. Dari isu mahasiswa menjadi isu masyarakat kebanyakan, seperti dalam kasus aksi menuntut mundur Soeharto. Landasan Hukum Aksi adalah hak bahkan dalam situasi tertentu dapat menjadi kewajiban. Ia dilindungi oleh UU positif. Selain Declaration of Human Right (freedom of speech), hak aksi juga dilindungi oleh UUD 1945 pasal 28 beserta amandemennya. Secara lebih spesifik, aksi ini kemudian diatur dengan adanya UU No. 9/1998 tentang Mekanisme Penyampaian Pendapat di Muka Umum. UU ini mengharuskan panitia aksi harus memberikan pemberitahuan kepada pihak kepolisian setidaknya 3 hari menjelang hari H. Ketentuan lainnya adalah, didalam surat pemberitahuan itu harus ada nama penanggung jawab aksi, waktu pelaksanaan, rute yangh dilewati, isu yang dibawa, jumlah massa, dan bentuk aksi. Selain itu ada juga larangan untuk melakukan aksi pada hari-hari tertntu dan tempat-tempat tertentu. Dalam pandangan aktivis, UU ini pada awal pengesahannya dicurigai sebagai alat untuk mengibiri suara kritis mahasiswa dan rakyat. Dan pada perkembangannya, UU inilah yang digunakan oleh rezim berkuasa via aparat kepolisian untuk mematikan suara oposan, dengan banyak menyeret para aktivis ke penjara. Kode EtikUntuk menjaga konsistensi gerakan, beberapa elemen gerakan mahasiswa memiliki kode etik aksi. Kode etik ini pula yang menjadi faktor pembeda aksi yang satu dengan aksi yang lainnya.Di KAMMI misalnya, kode etiknya adalah memulai dan menutup aksi dengan doa, tidak membaurkan peserta aksi putra dengan putri, dan tidak mencemooh seseorang dari cacat fisiknya. Faktor pembeda lainnya adalah lirik lagu-lagu perjuangan dan kata-kata pekik teriakan.MEKANISME LAHIRNYA KEPUTUSAN AKSIKeputusan aksi sebaiknya didiskusikan secara matang analisis SWOT-nya. Organisasi intra kampus mempunyai mekanisme yang berbeda namun hampir sama dengan mahasiswa ekstra. Di ekstra jalur pengambilan keputusan lebih pendek sehingga keputusan aksi dapat lebih cepat dieksekusi. Secara garis besar mekanisme lahirnya keputusan aksi adalah sbb :Diskusi awal (Tim/Dept. Khusus : bidang Sospol), dteruskan ke :Diskusi Lanjutan (pelibatan kader, (unsur UKM), menghadirkan pakar, penerbitan Pers Release), laluPembentukan Tim Teknis AksiAksi di lapangan MERANCANG AKSIDalam merancang aksi, hal-hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan adalah : planning aksi, perangkat aksi, pelaksanaan, dan kegiatan paska-aksi. Planning AksiDalam tahap perencanaan aksi, hal urgen yang perlu diperhatikan adalah :Tema / Grand Issue. Pilihlah tema atau isu yang sedang hangat menjadi bahan pembicaraan (up to date) atau relevan atau sesuai dengan kebutuhan organisasi yang bersangkutan. Kemudian fokuskan, agar informasi atau opini yang hendak dibangun tidak bias.TargetSusun target. Baik target teknis seperti pencapaian jumlah massa dan blow up media, dan target esensi seperti isu tuntutan aksi. Begitu juga target siapa yang pihak yang hendak dituju.Skenario. Seperti halnya film, aksi butuh skenario, yang menjadi acuan bergeraknya aksi. Skenario ini mencakup rute, tokoh orator, happening art, dan acara lainnya. Sebaiknya skenario disiapkan lebih dari satu. Jika ada sesuatu hal di lapangan tak memungkinkan berjalannya sebuah skenario, dapat diganti dengan skenario lain (plan B). MassaDalam aksi yang mengandalkan massa, strategi penggalangan massa menjadi penting, demikian juga dengan cara mengendalikan massa jika massa berjumlah besar.PemberitahuanTergantung pada kebutuhan. Jika kita memutuskan untuk menulis pemberitahuan, maka lakukan sesuai dengan UU No. 9/1998. Begitu juga dengan pemberitahuan kepada media massa (release awal) agar kelak mereka dapat meliput kita. media interestAksi yang ‘menarik’ akan disukai oleh media. Karena itu perlu diperhatikan sebuah momen yang khusus didesain untuk konsumsi jurnalis foto, selain press release untuk jurnalis berita.Format Format atau bentuk aksi adalah pilihan dari banyak bentuk aksi. Pilihannya ada dua, format kekerasan atau nirkekerasan. Sebagai ‘penjaga gawang’ gerakan moral, maka seyogyanya aksi mahasiswa bersifat nirkekerasan. Aksi nirkekerasan ini sangat bervariatif sekali. Dimulai dari aksi diam (bisu), orasi, happening art, aksi topeng, mmogok makan, hingga ke blokade, pengepungan, dan boikot. Perangkat Aksi Perangkat aksi adalah person-person yang terlibat dalam suksesnya sebuah aksi. Mereka diantaranya adalah :KorlapKoordinator Lapangan adalah pemegang komando ketika aksi sedang berjalan. Peserta aksi harus mentaati setiap arahan dari korlap. Korlap memperoleh masukan informasi dari perangkat lain yang akan digunakannya untuk mengambil keputusan-keputusan penting. Korlap juga yang bertugas menjaga stamina massa agar tidak loyo dan tetap konsentrasi ke aksi. Korlap bukanlah amanah instant. Ia diperoleh dari proses jangka panjang. Korlap adalah orang paling mengerti tentang isu yang sedang diperjuangkan, sehingga wawasan pengetahuannya dapat dikatakan lebih banyak dari yang lainnya. Korlap dapat juga berorasi.OratorTerkadang diperlukan orator khusus selain korlap, khususnya pada aksi aliansi atau aksi yang melibatkan tokoh. Para orator ini menyampaikan orasi berdasarkan isu yang telah disepakati bersama. Bobot suatu orasi ditentukan oleh susunan kalimat, data up to date, dan kualitas pernyataan sikap. - AgitatorAgitator adalah pembangkit semangat massa dengan pekik teriakan disela-sela orasi korlap dan orator. Ia juga membantu korlap untuk menjaga stamina massa dengan memimpin lagu dan yel-yel.NegosiatorTerkadang diperlukan person yang khusus bertugas untuk melakukan negosiasi. Negosiasi ini dilakukan kepada aparat polisi atau pihak-pihak yang ingin dituju jika aksi di-setting audiensi.HumasTim Humas adalah salah satu elemen penting aksi. Tim humas bertanggung jawab dalam menjembatani aksi kepada para jurnalis. Mereka membuat pers release. Bobot Pers Release itu dibuat berdasarkan nilai-nilai jurnalistik. Disebut sukses jika media tidak bias memuat tuntutan atau opini yang hendak digulirkan oleh aksi.Security/borderTim ini bertugas menjaga keamanan peserta aksi. Mereka juga wajib untuk mengidentifikasi para penyusup atau aparat yang hendak memprovokasi agar aksi berakhir chaos. Tim ini memiliki bahasa tersendiri yang hanya diketahui oleh sedikit orang dari peserta aksi.DokumenterTim ini memback-up tim humas. Tetapi inti tugasnya adalah mendokumentasi aksi dari awal hingga akhir serta membuat kronologis aksi. Dokumentasi ini dengan kamera, handycam ataupun notes. Data ini akan digunakan sebagai bukti otentik jika aksi mengalami kekerasan dari aparat atau massa lain.MedikTugas ini memang spesifik bagi mereka yang menguasai ilmu medis. Umumnya adalah mahasiswa kedokteran atau mereka yang pernah terlibat dalam aktivitas kepalangmerahan atau bulan sabit merah. Tim ini memberikan pertolongan pertama kepada peserta aski yang mengalami cidera.- LogistikDalam aksi yang disetting lama dan melelahkan. Tim logistik bertugas untuk menyediakan sarana untuk membugarkan peserta aksi seperti air minum, snack dan sound system. Terkadang, mereka juga membuat dan mendesain kertas tuntutan atau karikatur.Tim kreatifTim ini memiliki kewenangan untuk mendesain sebuah atraksi seni atau instalasi sesuai amanat hasil musyawarah. Pelaksanaan dan Pasca Aksi Saat massa telah terkumpul di tempat yang telah ditentukan, maka korlap sebaiknya tidak langsung memberangkatkan peserta aksi sebelum ada taujih (nasehat) dan doa. Selain itu perlu juga adanya pemanasan (warming up) dengan cara melatih yel-yel atau orasi untuk pencerdasan peserta aksi. Warming-up ini bertujuan untuk mensolidasi peserta aksi. Setelah kompak, solid, dan cerdas barulah aksi dimulai.Saat aksi, peserta wajib menghormati komnado korlap dan turut menjaga keamanan aksi hingga aksi usai. Jika aksi disetting serius atau aksi bisu maka peserta harus menjauhkan dari kegiatan senda gurau dan ketidakseriusan. Seusai aksi, maka peserta menutupnya dengan doa. Evaluasi juga dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas aksi berikutnya. Tim humas juga memonitoring media untuk memantau keberhasilan blow-up media dan tingkat ke-bias-an tuntutan. TIPS DAN TRIKSAngle fotoFoto dapat berbicara lebih banyak dari kata-kata. Maka desain aksi yang menyediakan angle foto yang baik akan membuat aksi lebih mudah ter-blow up. Misalnya: aksi LSM Pro Fauna yang membuat balon kura-kura raksasa dalam menentang eksploitasi kura-kura sebagai komoditas. Kalimat posterKalimat poster biasanya juga menjadi incaran fotografer. Pilihlah kalimat yang cerdas namun tetap mencerminkan akhlak seorang mahasiswa. Unik dan kreatif adalah kuncinya. Misal : IMF = International Monster Fund. UniformKeseragaman pakaian peserta aksi juga dapat menarik perhatian. Pakaian putih-putih, hitam-hitam atau mengenakan pakaian seperti orang utan untuk aksi mendukung keberlangsungan orang utan. PropagandaPropaganda dibuat untuk mencerdaskan masyarakat di sekitar aksi agar mereka mendukung aksi. Jika aksi dipusat keramaian, maka selebaran propaganda dapat menjadi bacaan yang mengusik perhatian. Pers releaseSelain data 5W+1H, pers release juga disusun dengan kalimat baik dan sudah sesuai dengan bahasa koran, sehingga redaktur tidak banyak mengedit. Adanya tambahan data dan angka dapat menambah bobot release. Yel/laguCiptakanlah yel-yel yang khas dan mudah diingat. Lagu bisa diperoleh dengan mengubah lirik dari lagu yang populis. Yel dan Lagu akan memelihara stamina massa. SymbolizedSimbolisasi perlu dilakukan untuk mencuri perhatian media jika massa aksi tidak terlalu banyak. Misalnya : aksi membawa tikus ke kantor DPRD untuk menyindir anggota dewan yang tak ubahnya seperti tikus-tikus pengerat. Aliansi taktisUntuk memperkuat posisi tawar, aliansi kadang diperlukan. Aliansi didasarkan pada pertimbangan kesamaan ideologi, atau kesamaan isu , atau kesamaan metode. Jika aliansi ini adalah dari universitas, maka bendera masing-masing universitas wajib untuk ditonjolkan. Menghadapi wartawan. Jika jurnalis TV mewawancarai peserta aksi, sebaiknya peserta tersebut mengarahkannya kepada tim humas atau korlapnya agar jurnalis itu dpat mewawancarai person yang lebih valid dalam memberikan keterangan. Ketika di wawancara, demonstran yang efektif merancang pesannya supaya bisa disampaikan secara utuh dalam tempo 10 hingga 15 detik. Setelah pesan disampaikan secara singkat, padat, dan utuh - baru kemudian dilakukan elaborasi. Ini menjaga agar pesan utama secara utuh tetap bisa tersiar walaupun mungkin elaborasinya terpotong. Hal ini disebabkan karena spot berita TV sangat singkat, berbeda dengan media cetak yang dapat memuat banyak.Berhadapan dengan wartawan, jauhilah sikap arogan, tampakkanlah sikap ramah dan bersahabat. Sikap arogan membuat wartawan menjaga jarak, bahkan pada titik puncaknya wadah asosiasi mereka akan memboikot setiap kegiatan aksi kita.Beberapa pertanyaan dari wartawan yang bisa diantisipasi oleh setiap peserta aksi adalah:- Mengapa anda berada disini?- Apa yang ingin anda capai?- Apakah demonstrasi ini sungguh-sungguh merupakan solusi?- Apa yang bisa dilakukan oleh khalayak untuk masalah yang anda perjuangkan? So, Selamat Berjuang !Sampai Jumpa di jalanan ! |
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
“Bung Hatta sebagai Model Kepemimpinan”
Oleh :
Sosok Mohammad Hatta (Bung Hatta) tidak pernah hilang tertelan masa. Sudah banyak buku yang mengulas pemikiran, jasa, dan biografi tokoh proklamator ini. Jasa dan curahan pemikiran Bung Hatta terhadap Tanah Air selalu dikenang dan menjadi teladan bagi pemimpin di negeri ini.
Lagi-lagi terngiang kata bersayap pujangga Friedrich von Schiller yang sering dikutip Bung Hatta, "Zaman besar telah dilahirkan abad, tetapi zaman besar itu hanya menemukan manusia kerdil." Sekurang-kurangnya suatu zaman pancaroba dan zaman peralihan menerpa bangsa Indonesia. Seorang pemimpin diperlukan. Pemimpin macam apa?
Pertanyaan pemimpin macam apa semakin mendesak, ketika orang melihat ke kiri dan ke kanan dan tidak pula merasa menemukan sosok yang sepadan dengan tantangan zaman. Suatu hasil polling menunjukkan dari kalangan muda pun, sosok-sosok pemimpin belum tampil secara meyakinkan.
Demikianlah, pemimpin disorot sebagai persoalan besar yang dihadapi bangsa. Suatu koinsidensi yang mencerahkan pun tiba. Pada tanggal 12 Agustus 2002 genaplah 100 tahun usia Mohammad Hatta. Peringatan seabad pejuang, pendiri bangsa dan koproklamator bergaung luas, dan marilah kita cerna agar bergaung mendalam pula.
Zaman besar di masa lampau, yakni zaman kebangkitan, pergerakan dan perjuangan kemerdekaan telah berhasil menemukan orang-orang besar pula. Mereka itulah para penggerak dan pendiri bangsa. Beberapa mencuat dan menonjol di atas rekan-rekan sezamannya. Seorang di antaranya adalah Bung Hatta.
Sungguh suatu anugerah zaman bahwa seabad peringatannya jatuh ketika kita, bangsa Indonesia, sedang membuka mata, telinga, pikiran dan hati untuk belajar dari pengalaman sejarah bangsa sendiri serta pengalaman sejarah bangsa-bangsa lain.
Setiap pemimpin bangsa meninggalkan sosok, kepribadian, karakter, visi, komitmen, serta pergulatan dan suri tauladan yang dapat diambil hikmahnya. Untuk menghadapi pancarobanya perubahan zaman seperti kita jalani sekarang ini, sosok Bung Hatta benar-benar suatu mercusuar.
Ambillah tugas pemimpin yang paling mendesak dewasa ini, ialah menyelenggarakan pemerintah dan pemerintahan yang bersih, yang tidak menyalahgunakan kekuasaan, wewenang, kesempatan, dan koneksi. Dan dengan demikian juga suatu pemerintah yang mau dan mampu menghentikan proses degradasi dan demoralisasi bangsa dalam urutan yang paling sentral dan menentukan, yakni penyelenggaraan kekuasaan.
Bung Hatta berpuluh tahun berada di sentral kekuasaan. Ia mempunyai modal pengabdian yang sekiranya ia kemudian akan menagihnya untuk kepentingan pribadi, masyarakat dan lingkungan akan menenggangnya. Ia tidak memanfaatkannya. Ia tidak memanfaatkan sampai akhir hayatnya.
Pemimpin-pemimpin lain jatuh bangun, terutama dalam ranah penggunaan kekuasaan dan kesempatan. Bung Hatta uncorruptable, tak terkorupsikan ketika memegang kekuasaan. Tidak pula memanfaatkan modal pengabdian maupun koneksi, ketika dengan sukarela meninggalkan kekuasaan.
Patut dipelajari, mengapa ia sanggup tak terkorupsikan sementara yang lain-lain, termasuk Bung Karno jatuh bangun. Ada elemen keagamaan pada sosok pribadinya yang dipahami serta dihayati secara serius sekaligus dengan pandangan yang tercerahkan oleh pendalamannya terhadap filsafat Barat dan Marxis. Begitu di antaranya, penjelasan Malvin Rose, penulis biografi politik Mohammad Hatta.
Faham dan perjuangannya menegakkan kedaulatan rakyat dipengaruhi latar belakang Minangkabau yang egaliter serta lebih bebas dari struktur dan kultur feodal daripada di Jawa. Sesuai pula dengan kepribadiannya yang introvert dan kaku, jika ia secara konsisten dan secara konsekuen menempuh jalan lurus.
Namun, ada hal lain yang terutama untuk zaman sekarang, perlu ditegaskan. Bung Hatta berhasil menumbuhkan pada pribadinya, pilihan dan komitmen asketisisme. Yakni asketisisme seorang pemimpin. Lagi-lagi kata Malvin Rose, ia mendisiplinkan diri sendiri untuk menekan nafsu dan emosi alamiah dengan cara memusatkan seluruh jati dirinya pada pencapaian kemerdekaan Indonesia.
Ia barulah berkeluarga setelah Indonesia Merdeka. Ia melanjutkan asketisismenya dalam menyelenggarakan kekuasaan dan ketika berada di tengah kekuasaan. Kecuali pemahaman, asketisisme seperti dihayati oleh Bung Hatta adalah soal pilihan. Memang pilihan itu menjadi bagian bahkan faktor yang menentukan apakah kepemimpinannya berhasil atau tidak.
Mengenai pilihan ini, sebaiknya ditegaskan dan dipahami. Semua pekerjaan, profesi dan jabatan kecuali pertimbangan dan dimensi pribadi juga mempunyai dimensi kemasyarakatan. Tetapi pastilah berbeda pertimbangan, dimensi serta implikasi dan konsekuensinya, apakah seseorang memilih sebagai ilmuwan, sebagai pebisnis, atau sebagai politikus.
Di masa lampau, ketika ekonomi pasar dan konsumerisme global dan lokal belum semerajalela sekarang, pilihan-pilihan lebih sederhana. Tetapi betapapun zaman berubah, terutama dengan merajalelanya konsumerisme dan materialisme kapitalis, toh pilihan-pilihan itu tetap memiliki konsekuensi dan implikasi masing-masing. Termasuk tentu saja anugerah, imbalan serta pengakuannya.
Kalau Hatta memilih sebagai pedagang, ia pun akan berhasil amat jauh. Tetapi dengan sadar, sejak muda, ia memilih bidang lain. Bidang pengabdian politik untuk memerdekakan bangsa dan negaranya, untuk mendidik dan mencerahkan rakyat, untuk mewujudkan kedaulatan rakyat dan keadilan sosial.
Memang lebih berat pilihan menempuh jalur pengabdian politik untuk zaman sekarang. Tetapi, pilihan toh sukarela. Bisa saja, jalur tidak selalu merupakan pilihan yang dipilih secara sadar sejak semula. Apalagi dalam masa peralihan yang berpancaroba, jalur bisa karena untung-untungan.
Akan tetapi, begitu atau pilihan sadar atau koinsidensi membawanya, harus dipahami dan disadari pilihan jalur politik, kepemimpinan politik pada semua jenjangnya, apalagi pada jenjang-jenjang tinggi, membawa konsekuensi dan implikasinya.
Tentu saja, kebanggaan, imbalan, pengakuan bahkan fulfillment, pemunculan diri dalam pekerjaannya, tetap ada. Berbeda, tetapi ada dan semuanya membanggakan.
Pada Hatta dan pemimpin sezamannya, pilihan dibuat sejak muda. Otaknya cerdas. Ketekunannya luar biasa. Mengapa rencana studinya di Belanda yang direncanakan lima tahun molor menjadi 11 tahun? Ia sibuk memimpin Perhimpunan Indonesia, organisasi orang-orang muda Indonesia yang belajar di Belanda. Ia menghadiri konferensi internasional di mana-mana di Eropa, memperkenalkan cita-cita, perjuangan dan tujuan Indonesia Merdeka.
Ia sekaligus lewat tulisan dan diskusi, merumuskan tujuan Indonesia Merdeka, falsafah Indonesia Merdeka. Ia membina lewat Perhimpunan Indonesia dan forum lain, terwujudnya Indonesia Baru, yang merdeka, berkedaulatan rakyat, adil makmur, maju, terbuka, hadir secara independen dan aktif dalam pergaulan bangsa-bangsa.
Pilihan sejak muda dan karena itu juga konsekuensinya, yakni persiapan sejak muda, itulah pelajaran lain dari sosok Hatta bagi generasi muda Indonesia. Tidaklah berarti, tidak terbuka pilihan yang menyusul kemudian, tetapi pilihan kemudian pun, harus dipahami konsekuensi, implikasi serta tuntutannya.
Bung Karno amat kuat karismanya apalagi untuk rakyat banyak. Bung Hatta bukannya sosok tanpa karisma. Karismanya terhadap rakyat banyak, tidak sekuat Bung Karno, tetapi terhadap setiap lingkungannya otoritas dan kredibilitas Hatta terasa. Karisma itu terpancar dari sosok pribadinya yang berintegritas tinggi serta kompeten.
Bung Hatta percaya kepada rakyat. Karena itu, ia konsisten dan konsekuen menegakkan kedaulatan rakyat. Ia pun sadar, rakyat perlu dididik. Dididik untuk membaca dan menulis agar terbuka pintu untuk menimba pengetahuan dan pengalaman. Seperti pemimpin pergerakan lainnya, ia mengajar di sekolah, terutama ia juga mengajar lewat media seperti Daulat Rakyat serta pendidikan kader.
Meskipun caranya tidak sevokal Bung Karno, Hatta pun mementingkan pendidikan karakter rakyat. Mandiri, tahu hak dan kewajiban, mau mengambil tanggung jawab.
Dipengaruhi serta dicerahkan lewat pendidikan dan pergaulannya selama 11 tahun studi dan bergerak di Eropa, Bung Hatta juga sampai pada pemahaman, Indonesia Merdeka bukan saja dalam makna politik, tetapi juga ekonomi, sosial dan budaya. Bung Hatta berulang kali memperingatkan kemungkinan jebakan feodalisme, maka ia pun terus-menerus memperjuangkan demokrasi yang bertumpu pada kedaulatan rakyat.
Sejarah, katanya, tidak kenal andaikata. Namun, sebagai bahan pelajaran dan pengalaman, bukankah Indonesia akan lain fase perkembangannya, andaikata Bung Karno sebagai Presiden dan pemimpin bangsa serta Hatta sebagai juga pemimpin dengan menyelenggarakan pemerintahan.
Yang kemudian tidak tersentuh, bahkan tumbuh sebagai jebakan baru adalah proses emansipatoris bangsa dalam bidang sosial dan budaya, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan bangkitnya lagi feodalisme, baik kultur maupun strukturnya.
Dalam alam dan suasana itu, baik ekonomi etatisme maupun ekonomi pasar tidak sanggup menghasilkan kemakmuran yang merata bagi rakyat. Yang dihasilkan baik dalam ekonomi etatisme maupun dalam ekonomi pasar adalah kemakmuran untuk orang seorang yang berada dalam kekuasaan dan lingkungannya serta kesenjangan besar bagi rakyat banyak.
Bung Hatta terpanggil untuk pembangunan ekonomi yang berkeadilan sosial yang memperbaiki dan meratakan kemakmuran kepada rakyat, memilih jalan koperasi. Tetapi koperasi yang dipilihnya adalah model gerakan koperasi di negara-negara Skandinavia.
Negara-negara itu bukan berekonomi negara seperti negara-negara komunis. Negara-negara itu, seperti berkembang lebih nyata di kemudian hari, mengacu kepada kerangka referensi ekonomi masyarakat, sebutlah ekonomi pasar sosial.
Lagi pula, betapapun dimensi politik dalam arti mandat keadilan sosial adalah kental pada ekonomi koperasi, tetapi gerakan itu adalah gerakan dan disiplin sosial ekonomi. Inilah yang juga disalahartikan ketika koperasi diterapkan di negeri kita. Akhirnya sampai sekarang ini, koperasi lebih merupakan lembaga dan gerakan yang kosong dan tidak memadai hasilnya. Bahkan juga terkena imbas salah guna kekuasaan dan kesempatan. Koperasi lebih menyuburkan pengurus daripada anggotanya.
Mengapa sosok kepemimpinan Hatta sangatlah relevan dan aktual untuk menumbuhkan kepemimpinan serta menjawab tantangan masa kini? Karena amatlah jelas, contoh, teladan pimpinan yang kecuali cerdas, cakap, efektif juga bersosok asketis amatlah diperlukan kini dan mendatang. Adalah teladan yang ibaratnya dapat menggerakkan gunung dewasa ini.
Dimulai dari pimpinan yang menyinarkan teladan. Segera diikuti oleh suatu kecerdasan dan kecakapan, bahwa untuk memimpin atau menyelenggarakan pemerintah di Indonesia yang berpenduduk besar, berkepulauan majemuk serta mengalami krisis dan pancaroba sekarang ini, diperlukan tim. Tim pemerintah dan pemerintahan.
Orang-orang bersosok, berkarakter, memiliki kecerdasan dan kecakapan dalam bidangnya yang bekerja sama, menggerakkan roda pemerintahan sehingga tidak sekadar omong dan rapat, tetapi get things done terlaksana.
Sosok Hatta yang kecuali cerdas dan cakap, juga efektif karena ketekunannya, karena mau mengontrol dan mau check and recheck. Menggerakkan bahkan turun ke lapangan secara langsung dan tidak langsung.
Karena kehabisan akal, dewasa ini, amat sering kita dengar pernyataan dari mana mulai dan bagaimana? Mengacu kepada Hatta, amatlah jelas jawabannya, mulai dari diri sendiri, bahkan padanya mulai dari diri sendiri secara konsisten dan konsekuen melawan arus. Mulai dari lingkungan masing-masing. Tidak saling menunggu, justru saling mendahului.
Di mana rakyat berada dan apa peranannya? Sekali lagi, terutama mengingat kondisi kita dewasa ini, pemimpin dan pemerintahlah yang harus memulai dengan memberi contoh yang efektif. Tetapi, sesuai dengan prinsip kedaulatan rakyat serta sesuai dengan tanggung jawab yang juga bergeser kepada publik, masyarakat pun terpanggil mengambil tanggung jawab lebih besar dan lebih efektif.
Bukan sekadar melek huruf yang merupakan pendidikan rakyat, kata Bung Hatta, tetapi juga bahkan terutama karakternya. Karakter rakyat. Apakah untuk zaman kita, pendidikan karakter rakyat sama atau kental konotasinya dengan pendidikan masyarakat kewargaan, masyarakat madani, civil society?
Kertas dan karya pada founding fathers negara lain seperti Amerika Serikat, dikumpulkan dan diterbitkan. Bukan untuk disimpan dalam museum, tetapi untuk bekal pelajaran sejarah dan untuk terus dikembangkan, dikaji ulang serta diperkaya untuk menjawab perkembangan dan tantangan zaman.
Seratus tahun Bung Hatta tahun ini, Seabad Bung Karno tahun lalu, mengapa tidak menjadi momentum untuk pekerjaan besar dan pekerjaan bersejarah itu.
Oleh :
Sosok Mohammad Hatta (Bung Hatta) tidak pernah hilang tertelan masa. Sudah banyak buku yang mengulas pemikiran, jasa, dan biografi tokoh proklamator ini. Jasa dan curahan pemikiran Bung Hatta terhadap Tanah Air selalu dikenang dan menjadi teladan bagi pemimpin di negeri ini.
Lagi-lagi terngiang kata bersayap pujangga Friedrich von Schiller yang sering dikutip Bung Hatta, "Zaman besar telah dilahirkan abad, tetapi zaman besar itu hanya menemukan manusia kerdil." Sekurang-kurangnya suatu zaman pancaroba dan zaman peralihan menerpa bangsa Indonesia. Seorang pemimpin diperlukan. Pemimpin macam apa?
Pertanyaan pemimpin macam apa semakin mendesak, ketika orang melihat ke kiri dan ke kanan dan tidak pula merasa menemukan sosok yang sepadan dengan tantangan zaman. Suatu hasil polling menunjukkan dari kalangan muda pun, sosok-sosok pemimpin belum tampil secara meyakinkan.
Demikianlah, pemimpin disorot sebagai persoalan besar yang dihadapi bangsa. Suatu koinsidensi yang mencerahkan pun tiba. Pada tanggal 12 Agustus 2002 genaplah 100 tahun usia Mohammad Hatta. Peringatan seabad pejuang, pendiri bangsa dan koproklamator bergaung luas, dan marilah kita cerna agar bergaung mendalam pula.
Zaman besar di masa lampau, yakni zaman kebangkitan, pergerakan dan perjuangan kemerdekaan telah berhasil menemukan orang-orang besar pula. Mereka itulah para penggerak dan pendiri bangsa. Beberapa mencuat dan menonjol di atas rekan-rekan sezamannya. Seorang di antaranya adalah Bung Hatta.
Sungguh suatu anugerah zaman bahwa seabad peringatannya jatuh ketika kita, bangsa Indonesia, sedang membuka mata, telinga, pikiran dan hati untuk belajar dari pengalaman sejarah bangsa sendiri serta pengalaman sejarah bangsa-bangsa lain.
Setiap pemimpin bangsa meninggalkan sosok, kepribadian, karakter, visi, komitmen, serta pergulatan dan suri tauladan yang dapat diambil hikmahnya. Untuk menghadapi pancarobanya perubahan zaman seperti kita jalani sekarang ini, sosok Bung Hatta benar-benar suatu mercusuar.
Ambillah tugas pemimpin yang paling mendesak dewasa ini, ialah menyelenggarakan pemerintah dan pemerintahan yang bersih, yang tidak menyalahgunakan kekuasaan, wewenang, kesempatan, dan koneksi. Dan dengan demikian juga suatu pemerintah yang mau dan mampu menghentikan proses degradasi dan demoralisasi bangsa dalam urutan yang paling sentral dan menentukan, yakni penyelenggaraan kekuasaan.
Bung Hatta berpuluh tahun berada di sentral kekuasaan. Ia mempunyai modal pengabdian yang sekiranya ia kemudian akan menagihnya untuk kepentingan pribadi, masyarakat dan lingkungan akan menenggangnya. Ia tidak memanfaatkannya. Ia tidak memanfaatkan sampai akhir hayatnya.
Pemimpin-pemimpin lain jatuh bangun, terutama dalam ranah penggunaan kekuasaan dan kesempatan. Bung Hatta uncorruptable, tak terkorupsikan ketika memegang kekuasaan. Tidak pula memanfaatkan modal pengabdian maupun koneksi, ketika dengan sukarela meninggalkan kekuasaan.
Patut dipelajari, mengapa ia sanggup tak terkorupsikan sementara yang lain-lain, termasuk Bung Karno jatuh bangun. Ada elemen keagamaan pada sosok pribadinya yang dipahami serta dihayati secara serius sekaligus dengan pandangan yang tercerahkan oleh pendalamannya terhadap filsafat Barat dan Marxis. Begitu di antaranya, penjelasan Malvin Rose, penulis biografi politik Mohammad Hatta.
Faham dan perjuangannya menegakkan kedaulatan rakyat dipengaruhi latar belakang Minangkabau yang egaliter serta lebih bebas dari struktur dan kultur feodal daripada di Jawa. Sesuai pula dengan kepribadiannya yang introvert dan kaku, jika ia secara konsisten dan secara konsekuen menempuh jalan lurus.
Namun, ada hal lain yang terutama untuk zaman sekarang, perlu ditegaskan. Bung Hatta berhasil menumbuhkan pada pribadinya, pilihan dan komitmen asketisisme. Yakni asketisisme seorang pemimpin. Lagi-lagi kata Malvin Rose, ia mendisiplinkan diri sendiri untuk menekan nafsu dan emosi alamiah dengan cara memusatkan seluruh jati dirinya pada pencapaian kemerdekaan Indonesia.
Ia barulah berkeluarga setelah Indonesia Merdeka. Ia melanjutkan asketisismenya dalam menyelenggarakan kekuasaan dan ketika berada di tengah kekuasaan. Kecuali pemahaman, asketisisme seperti dihayati oleh Bung Hatta adalah soal pilihan. Memang pilihan itu menjadi bagian bahkan faktor yang menentukan apakah kepemimpinannya berhasil atau tidak.
Mengenai pilihan ini, sebaiknya ditegaskan dan dipahami. Semua pekerjaan, profesi dan jabatan kecuali pertimbangan dan dimensi pribadi juga mempunyai dimensi kemasyarakatan. Tetapi pastilah berbeda pertimbangan, dimensi serta implikasi dan konsekuensinya, apakah seseorang memilih sebagai ilmuwan, sebagai pebisnis, atau sebagai politikus.
Di masa lampau, ketika ekonomi pasar dan konsumerisme global dan lokal belum semerajalela sekarang, pilihan-pilihan lebih sederhana. Tetapi betapapun zaman berubah, terutama dengan merajalelanya konsumerisme dan materialisme kapitalis, toh pilihan-pilihan itu tetap memiliki konsekuensi dan implikasi masing-masing. Termasuk tentu saja anugerah, imbalan serta pengakuannya.
Kalau Hatta memilih sebagai pedagang, ia pun akan berhasil amat jauh. Tetapi dengan sadar, sejak muda, ia memilih bidang lain. Bidang pengabdian politik untuk memerdekakan bangsa dan negaranya, untuk mendidik dan mencerahkan rakyat, untuk mewujudkan kedaulatan rakyat dan keadilan sosial.
Memang lebih berat pilihan menempuh jalur pengabdian politik untuk zaman sekarang. Tetapi, pilihan toh sukarela. Bisa saja, jalur tidak selalu merupakan pilihan yang dipilih secara sadar sejak semula. Apalagi dalam masa peralihan yang berpancaroba, jalur bisa karena untung-untungan.
Akan tetapi, begitu atau pilihan sadar atau koinsidensi membawanya, harus dipahami dan disadari pilihan jalur politik, kepemimpinan politik pada semua jenjangnya, apalagi pada jenjang-jenjang tinggi, membawa konsekuensi dan implikasinya.
Tentu saja, kebanggaan, imbalan, pengakuan bahkan fulfillment, pemunculan diri dalam pekerjaannya, tetap ada. Berbeda, tetapi ada dan semuanya membanggakan.
Pada Hatta dan pemimpin sezamannya, pilihan dibuat sejak muda. Otaknya cerdas. Ketekunannya luar biasa. Mengapa rencana studinya di Belanda yang direncanakan lima tahun molor menjadi 11 tahun? Ia sibuk memimpin Perhimpunan Indonesia, organisasi orang-orang muda Indonesia yang belajar di Belanda. Ia menghadiri konferensi internasional di mana-mana di Eropa, memperkenalkan cita-cita, perjuangan dan tujuan Indonesia Merdeka.
Ia sekaligus lewat tulisan dan diskusi, merumuskan tujuan Indonesia Merdeka, falsafah Indonesia Merdeka. Ia membina lewat Perhimpunan Indonesia dan forum lain, terwujudnya Indonesia Baru, yang merdeka, berkedaulatan rakyat, adil makmur, maju, terbuka, hadir secara independen dan aktif dalam pergaulan bangsa-bangsa.
Pilihan sejak muda dan karena itu juga konsekuensinya, yakni persiapan sejak muda, itulah pelajaran lain dari sosok Hatta bagi generasi muda Indonesia. Tidaklah berarti, tidak terbuka pilihan yang menyusul kemudian, tetapi pilihan kemudian pun, harus dipahami konsekuensi, implikasi serta tuntutannya.
Bung Karno amat kuat karismanya apalagi untuk rakyat banyak. Bung Hatta bukannya sosok tanpa karisma. Karismanya terhadap rakyat banyak, tidak sekuat Bung Karno, tetapi terhadap setiap lingkungannya otoritas dan kredibilitas Hatta terasa. Karisma itu terpancar dari sosok pribadinya yang berintegritas tinggi serta kompeten.
Bung Hatta percaya kepada rakyat. Karena itu, ia konsisten dan konsekuen menegakkan kedaulatan rakyat. Ia pun sadar, rakyat perlu dididik. Dididik untuk membaca dan menulis agar terbuka pintu untuk menimba pengetahuan dan pengalaman. Seperti pemimpin pergerakan lainnya, ia mengajar di sekolah, terutama ia juga mengajar lewat media seperti Daulat Rakyat serta pendidikan kader.
Meskipun caranya tidak sevokal Bung Karno, Hatta pun mementingkan pendidikan karakter rakyat. Mandiri, tahu hak dan kewajiban, mau mengambil tanggung jawab.
Dipengaruhi serta dicerahkan lewat pendidikan dan pergaulannya selama 11 tahun studi dan bergerak di Eropa, Bung Hatta juga sampai pada pemahaman, Indonesia Merdeka bukan saja dalam makna politik, tetapi juga ekonomi, sosial dan budaya. Bung Hatta berulang kali memperingatkan kemungkinan jebakan feodalisme, maka ia pun terus-menerus memperjuangkan demokrasi yang bertumpu pada kedaulatan rakyat.
Sejarah, katanya, tidak kenal andaikata. Namun, sebagai bahan pelajaran dan pengalaman, bukankah Indonesia akan lain fase perkembangannya, andaikata Bung Karno sebagai Presiden dan pemimpin bangsa serta Hatta sebagai juga pemimpin dengan menyelenggarakan pemerintahan.
Yang kemudian tidak tersentuh, bahkan tumbuh sebagai jebakan baru adalah proses emansipatoris bangsa dalam bidang sosial dan budaya, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan bangkitnya lagi feodalisme, baik kultur maupun strukturnya.
Dalam alam dan suasana itu, baik ekonomi etatisme maupun ekonomi pasar tidak sanggup menghasilkan kemakmuran yang merata bagi rakyat. Yang dihasilkan baik dalam ekonomi etatisme maupun dalam ekonomi pasar adalah kemakmuran untuk orang seorang yang berada dalam kekuasaan dan lingkungannya serta kesenjangan besar bagi rakyat banyak.
Bung Hatta terpanggil untuk pembangunan ekonomi yang berkeadilan sosial yang memperbaiki dan meratakan kemakmuran kepada rakyat, memilih jalan koperasi. Tetapi koperasi yang dipilihnya adalah model gerakan koperasi di negara-negara Skandinavia.
Negara-negara itu bukan berekonomi negara seperti negara-negara komunis. Negara-negara itu, seperti berkembang lebih nyata di kemudian hari, mengacu kepada kerangka referensi ekonomi masyarakat, sebutlah ekonomi pasar sosial.
Lagi pula, betapapun dimensi politik dalam arti mandat keadilan sosial adalah kental pada ekonomi koperasi, tetapi gerakan itu adalah gerakan dan disiplin sosial ekonomi. Inilah yang juga disalahartikan ketika koperasi diterapkan di negeri kita. Akhirnya sampai sekarang ini, koperasi lebih merupakan lembaga dan gerakan yang kosong dan tidak memadai hasilnya. Bahkan juga terkena imbas salah guna kekuasaan dan kesempatan. Koperasi lebih menyuburkan pengurus daripada anggotanya.
Mengapa sosok kepemimpinan Hatta sangatlah relevan dan aktual untuk menumbuhkan kepemimpinan serta menjawab tantangan masa kini? Karena amatlah jelas, contoh, teladan pimpinan yang kecuali cerdas, cakap, efektif juga bersosok asketis amatlah diperlukan kini dan mendatang. Adalah teladan yang ibaratnya dapat menggerakkan gunung dewasa ini.
Dimulai dari pimpinan yang menyinarkan teladan. Segera diikuti oleh suatu kecerdasan dan kecakapan, bahwa untuk memimpin atau menyelenggarakan pemerintah di Indonesia yang berpenduduk besar, berkepulauan majemuk serta mengalami krisis dan pancaroba sekarang ini, diperlukan tim. Tim pemerintah dan pemerintahan.
Orang-orang bersosok, berkarakter, memiliki kecerdasan dan kecakapan dalam bidangnya yang bekerja sama, menggerakkan roda pemerintahan sehingga tidak sekadar omong dan rapat, tetapi get things done terlaksana.
Sosok Hatta yang kecuali cerdas dan cakap, juga efektif karena ketekunannya, karena mau mengontrol dan mau check and recheck. Menggerakkan bahkan turun ke lapangan secara langsung dan tidak langsung.
Karena kehabisan akal, dewasa ini, amat sering kita dengar pernyataan dari mana mulai dan bagaimana? Mengacu kepada Hatta, amatlah jelas jawabannya, mulai dari diri sendiri, bahkan padanya mulai dari diri sendiri secara konsisten dan konsekuen melawan arus. Mulai dari lingkungan masing-masing. Tidak saling menunggu, justru saling mendahului.
Di mana rakyat berada dan apa peranannya? Sekali lagi, terutama mengingat kondisi kita dewasa ini, pemimpin dan pemerintahlah yang harus memulai dengan memberi contoh yang efektif. Tetapi, sesuai dengan prinsip kedaulatan rakyat serta sesuai dengan tanggung jawab yang juga bergeser kepada publik, masyarakat pun terpanggil mengambil tanggung jawab lebih besar dan lebih efektif.
Bukan sekadar melek huruf yang merupakan pendidikan rakyat, kata Bung Hatta, tetapi juga bahkan terutama karakternya. Karakter rakyat. Apakah untuk zaman kita, pendidikan karakter rakyat sama atau kental konotasinya dengan pendidikan masyarakat kewargaan, masyarakat madani, civil society?
Kertas dan karya pada founding fathers negara lain seperti Amerika Serikat, dikumpulkan dan diterbitkan. Bukan untuk disimpan dalam museum, tetapi untuk bekal pelajaran sejarah dan untuk terus dikembangkan, dikaji ulang serta diperkaya untuk menjawab perkembangan dan tantangan zaman.
Seratus tahun Bung Hatta tahun ini, Seabad Bung Karno tahun lalu, mengapa tidak menjadi momentum untuk pekerjaan besar dan pekerjaan bersejarah itu.
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